Say bye-bye-bye to Girls and Boys DA

There’s no way it can still exist, right? Just play scdsl or coast. If that’s not ok with you, then tryout for an ecnl or ecnl regional league team.
Unless all the teams that don’t get into ECNL in California (Thorns, Placer, Earthquakes, Galaxy, city FC, Legends, Beach, etc) decide to turn DPL into a California League. No my choice, but a real possibility.

Girls can't be too far away from being announced then...

Girls can't be too far away from being announced then...
In a nutshell the above highlights the disfunction at US Soccer. US Soccer has not officially announced anything, but ECNL has already announced some DA clubs now going ECNL in the boys division. One moves fast, the other can't chew gum and walk at the same time.
Did they use PEP, or another ACL warmup?

I just wish there was decent data. All the data I have seen focuses on HS soccer overall. One study puts the risk at about 4-5% per player per year.
Another puts it at 12.2/100,000 AE. (roughly 2-3% per player per year.)

But those are underestimates, because they include a lot of low intensity players.

Which is why I ask how many girls tore their ACL in ECNL games/practices last year. I know, from the overall statistics, that it is probably one oer team or higher.
Beach did the PEP warm-up and then had quite a few ACL injuries. They actually had more ACL injuries than in the past.
I can count at least 6 ACL injuries over the past year.
Just curious what the DA clubs who don't get in to ECNL will do with their top teams?
Top teams will stay together with the top top players. Good coaching is key. Plus, why leave?
Just curious what the DA clubs who don't get in to ECNL will do with their top teams?
Older teams will stay together and kick ass in Cali. Those are good teams. Plus, they can sell "no traveling outside of Cali." So funny, the same crew that forced all this travel and thought it was awesome. ECNL will poach the stud 12 year old and younger. It won;t be as easy now though. Soccer biz has changed again in socal. Beach & Legends will be just find. Plus, we can all play against each other now and HS Soccer will be cool. No parting! Advise to those who control Surf Cup. Make it a tier one premier tournament and let's get back to some tough competition. I'll pay double for pure competition. I need that badly in my life right now.
Just curious what the DA clubs who don't get in to ECNL will do with their top teams?
Players will tryout for the ECNL teams. Beach players can tryout for Breakers or Slammers depending which way they want to go on the 405.
Legends players can got Arsenal or Blues. Teams will look a lot different next season, if there is a season...
Interesting that RSC is in seeing that Eagles is very close to them and players go back and forth for those 2 clubs.
Did they actually get accepted for membership or are the hoping to get that?

Didn't surf also post/say they were in ECNL previous years and later was like oh DPL is better and aligns with our plans. When ECNL girls actually has a official post about Surf or others on there site, I buy it until then seems like another rumor to keep parents paying.
According to the official ECNL site, the last "Breaking News" article came out on April 1st. Nothing on there about Surf being accepted into the league.
I guess Arsenal can now poach all their players back that Legends stole...
Does that also mean that RB gets his job back?!?

Players / Families put up with a lot at Arsenal because they were the "only game in town / ECNL", but Legends still held it down despite of that. Don't see that changing, because not much has changed in the IE. Arsenal is still poorly run, we'll see if they can capitalize on on some momentum.
Players will tryout for the ECNL teams. Beach players can tryout for Breakers or Slammers depending which way they want to go on the 405.
Legends players can got Arsenal or Blues. Teams will look a lot different next season, if there is a season...
Interesting that RSC is in seeing that Eagles is very close to them and players go back and forth for those 2 clubs.
Blues already has ECNL so their DA team will likely move to that spot
You think JM, the long time Surf Pres is making these decisions??? Hilarious. And I stated “entirely!” There are some folks still there, but not all. DOCs there now are also a VP and one of the main DMs. Look at who their top Senior DOCs are there now and ask yourself if they do not influence any of the decision making.

That press release is self-serving garbage regardless of who wrote it and whomever approved its release is presumably still employed there. If you don't see that they released it today, ahead of the anticipated US Soccer announcement, with a "No, no, THIS WAS OUR IDEA ALL ALONG!" tone, then wear your Surf hoodie with pride. Surf fields good teams, as do many other DA clubs. But the way they run their club needs redress. And they are not alone. Maybe all clubs do. The Albion press release after the disaster at Albion cup was worse. Soccer clubs could do with a little more attention to character and modeling the traits they purport to teach kids and a lot less to marketing BS and self-aggrandizement.