Wow the wheels really are coming off of everything. Got word now our school has suspended all practices including DYS upcoming soccer camp and despite a being a private school doesn't think on campus learning will take place in September, at least at the start, but still wants us to be ready just in case and they want to, but LA County health might not let them.
So I've taken my own advice and we are leaving, probably for Nevada at this point, and we'll relook at it in fall if/when schools reopen. But that's raised some issues too. First I need to transfer my allergy shots but they've been giving me the run around for the transfer given that I haven't been set up yet in dad an MD allergist was willing to help out but they are giving us the run around and prepandemic procedures like a transfer meeting/check up don't make sense at this point. More interestingly, I have to make arrangements for a COVID test, in case the schools do open back up, since our private school will require them. But our ped doesn't want to issue the order since it's not medically necessary. Ventura county doesn't want to give it to us (since we won't be residing in Ventura county). And LA County doesn't think what the school is doing is very good considering the backlog in exams right now. My son's friend needs an MRI and they are requiring a COVID test too, but having similar difficulties. So it's impossible to arrange now and we may need to pop back for a few days IF the schools reopen. It's all such a mess and people are so close to the breaking point. Now Faucci is urging California back into hard lockdowns, and I guarantee that will not go well particularly after they said boo about the protests.
Later gators. Everyone staff safe!