several assignors i work with are all about having experienced (even if they are don't give a shit grade 8s.....) referees there to not only help and mentor the youth ARs, but to protect them. and of course it's not true that the ecnl and da games get the best referees. they get the higher grade number referees and they get the referees who are buddies with those particular assignors. are they good referees? sure, most are. is it because their badge number is 7 instead of 8? or even 6 instead of 8? not hardly. i love working with the youth referees and ask for those games a lot.My son is 12 and has AR'd his first games. Whether on purpose or not, he's had four very experienced centers in every game including one who the same weekend was officiating DA, a USWNT u17 scrimmage and a Pac 12 college game. To say there aren't experienced refs in these lower leagues isn't true. There are of course newbies like my son. But there is such a shortage of refs that if you can't accept refs that make mistakes then the only solution is for you to replace them.
My son has had an uneventful first few games and I've watched him make numerous mistakes with throw in calls. He's getting better though and the centers have corrected him when he was wrong. Oddly the only bad parents were Presidio u12 girls parents, everyone else has been great. In that game a parent yelled at the center ref and swore at him. It really changes your perspective when you are watching to support the ref than to support a player or team. My son wasn't being yelled at, but my view on the parent certainly was that he is a psycho and I can't believe how worked up he's getting over a kid's soccer game.
I'd ask any parent who thinks it's appropriate for them to yell at an official or view themselves as a customer instead of a spectator to think how they'd want their son or daughter treated. Having coached for a long time and met refs for 25 years, I know that most are doing their best even when they aren't up to the standards we hope for them. And now having a second child who refs I know that the assignors do pay attention and try to get good refs more games, but often it comes down to having whatever ref is available versus no game at all due to shortages or injuries.
in presidio and sdda with the auto assigning, you can get a really high level referees who do college games, DA games, any types of games. you can also get joe schmo "doesn't give a shit grade 8s" like me.