Who was he?
Not someone that should be saying “do you know who I am?” He is just another youth club coach and no one of importance except in his own mind.
Who was he?
If we are going to rate refs, we should also allow refs and coaches to rate coaches.
There are some complete assholes out there.
You will never get totally unbiased input. But any input is good input when averaged out over time.Who will do the ratings? Is the league going to supply some unbiased person to evaluate every game? I just don’t see how you will get an unbiased input or any input. Most refs don’t really care who wins or loses and probably don’t care enough to fill out some rating form unless it is just a 1-10 ranking.
Late to this thread but I couldn't agree more. Had video of a horrible incident at a G04 Discovery game. League rep at the field and head ref both said we wont look at any video so don't bother showing us or sending it. That option is out.We video tape every game. We have captured some awful game deciding calls and some incredibly dirty/dangerous play by "a certain team" (two separate things). From my experience, NOBODY cares about your video unless it is elevated to an extremely high level on both sides. Even with all this concussion training that they make parents/kids take before you can play in the gaming circuit, when it comes down to kids actually getting concussions and going to emergency rooms -> THEY STILL DON'T CARE (They = Cal South, CSL). With the concussion training THEY are only just checking a box for liability purposes. Keep video taping but keep in mind that nobody (I mean nobody) will give a sh-- about the bad call(s) that you taped.
Did he have an accent?
Or play at a d2 school in 1991 on a full ride?
This would be relatively easy to do really. Just use the Uber system (Uber rates both drivers and riders) where you numerically rate the behavior of the coach and the performance of the referee leaving room for comments. Since we can't have evaluators watching the coaches and refs for every game, you just program an algorithm to pick up certain patterns (I've done something like this for my work in other fields)...enough strikes and you send someone to blind check evaluate it...if they find something the coordinators have a discussion with the coach/ref (referring either for additional continuing education or giving them the option of going on suspension)...additional followup and blind checks on those identified to be "problems" as well as a loss of eligibility to move up in the rankings (either ref level or ABCD coaching license) and suspensions for repeat offenders.
The big objection to this is it might make a referee shortage even more severe but I don't really buy it...if refs don't want to do it because of the abuse there are 2 solutions if you look at this from an economics point of view: lower the obstacles by making refereeing a more pleasant experience and pay them more....keeping refs that don't want to be evaluated because they might not be great is just turning away from the problem and we can always exempt the new 8s if we are shy about scaring off the new recruits.
After this weekend I'm really sold on this idea. Time to do it.
Late to this thread but I couldn't agree more. Had video of a horrible incident at a G04 Discovery game. League rep at the field and head ref both said we wont look at any video so don't bother showing us or sending it. That option is out.
Not sure if the rating system would help, but it would be interesting to see how ratings vary based on whether the team won or lost.
We have used a rating system in my men's league for years. When posting a score they ask for input on the ref crew. The head of the association if given enough comments worth looking into have often come out to evaluate the ref's and speak with us directly. In many instances the quality of the ref's have improved as well as the relationships between teams and ref crews. In fact I see many of these same ref's officiating my kids games and often we talk as we are now on a first name basis.I like the idea of an uber sort of rating. It would probably be fairly easy to develop an app.
We have used a rating system in my men's league for years. When posting a score they ask for input on the ref crew. The head of the association if given enough comments worth looking into have often come out to evaluate the ref's and speak with us directly. In many instances the quality of the ref's have improved as well as the relationships between teams and ref crews.
I am not comparing, but offering an example to support ref reporting methods which have worked. Therefore providing evidence it could work. You are also assuming in regards to inexperienced ref's being sent or not full crews being available. But I have evidence of inexperienced ref's being assigned to adult games and many a time had a single ref for an adult game.You comparing apples with oranges. Many associations would never send inexperienced referees to adult league games.
Youth is very different. Sometimes you get what you get, if you lucky enough to even get a full crew.