When my daughter was going through this process and we did campus visits, I asked almost every coach a couple of general questions. Let me preface that i did not like my daughter having the pressure of deciding to commit her freshman year in high school(not many 8th and 9th graders have a grasp on this stuff). It was very flattering and ego boasting for her that she was being recruited that early, but once the offers started coming the pressure mounted throughout the year. We knew at some point they would put a time limits on her offers. Question one, what do you think about recruiting girls in 8th and 9th grade. Most if not all did not like it but it is what they had to do to keep up. They didn't like it because the girls were not physically or emotionally mature and still changing. One coach said they miss on about half the girls at that younger age. He did say that the national team players have a higher success rate. Question 2. This is off the recruiting topic a little bit but the question was, what do you think of the Development Academy that is coming in? Not one that i spoke to(small sample size) was in favor of this as of last year. They knew that the federation didn't really care about the college recruitment process. So aside from the fact that the federation doesn't cater to the college recruiting process, they now having two competing leagues, which would make their job more difficult. They all said they would handle it, but didn't seem happy about it.
So in summary from what i have heard: it will pass, and most college coaches are for it.