This question might be better as it's own thread, but there's lots of good advice here so ...
Curious to hear about anyone who had the experience of having college coaches (particularly targeted dream school) show up to your player's game for the first time, only to have said player or team lay an egg. Happened to the best player on our team this weekend in Vegas and she was pretty crushed afterwards. Usually the most dynamic player on the field, but just had one really rough day. Her mom said she'd had a fever when she woke up the morning of the game, but of course, she battled through. If you'd never seen her play, you might not have noticed, but all of us on our team knew she wasn't herself. Do you bring that up to the recruiting coach? Or does that just sound like making excuses? If that was my first exposure to the player, I'd probably just move along to the next prospect based on that performance. With so many good players out there, it feels sometimes like you might only get one shot to make your mark.