President Joe Biden

Anybody believe these 2 were ever female? They're going to be allowed to box as "females", at the Olympics, despite being given the boot last year because they have XY chromosomes. And you liberal fucktards think this bullshit is normal and okay.

Anybody believe these 2 were ever female? They're going to be allowed to box as "females", at the Olympics, despite being given the boot last year because they have XY chromosomes. And you liberal fucktards think this bullshit is normal and okay.

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I'm guessing they were getting their butts kicked when they were fighting other "guys" so they changed
lanes. Truly pathetic.
The kids know he's Creepy Joe. espola voted for a man who took showers with his dd and all he has to say is, "Joe needs to go because he's too old." Creepy espola

Hmm... so the jackass that opened our borders and denied the problem for 3.5 years wants to reinforce the borders and stop the flow of Fentanyl into our country. Wait, didn't CNN and the libtards tell us to stop blaming Mexico for Fentanyl? We need to abolish ICE and stop them from working with other, U.S. law enforcement agencies, right?

Let's make a deal!!!

'Something Is Deeply Wrong With Our Justice System': Biden Admin Strikes Plea Deal With 9/11 Mastermind​

Prisoner swap between the U.S. and Russia? Hopefully the 'Tato gets back a little more this time than a gay basketball player. Or maybe those arms dealing terrorists just don't provide much of a return?
That’s president Joe Biden, not former, not twice impeached, not convicted of sexual assault, not found guilty on 34 felon charges. None of that. Germany wouldn’t have released anyone for trump to make a deal, but they would for a real leader, Joe Biden.
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That’s president Joe Biden, not former, not twice impeached, not convicted of sexual assault, not found guilty on 34 felon charges. None of that. Germany wouldn’t have released anyone for trump to make a deal, but they would for a real leader, Joe Biden.

"Real leader?" You probably believe JB is even aware of even one of those three things happening. Between naps and ice cream he probably has no time to actually tend to the needs of our country. He's already checked out. But you keep on thinking that. I wouldn't be surprised at some point when JB becomes a "former" president that he'll face the same thing.
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That’s president Joe Biden, not former, not twice impeached, not convicted of sexual assault, not found guilty on 34 felon charges. None of that. Germany wouldn’t have released anyone for trump to make a deal, but they would for a real leader, Joe Biden.
A real leader WHO took showers with his dd, nice one stupid. "Anyone but Trump" and "the kids that go missing are runaways". All said by you. Joe put his son through shit to be his middleman and so much worse on that Laptop from Hell. Here is a Q or two for you Dumb. If he's such a real leader, why did your party kick him to the curb? Who impeached t twice? WHO found him guilty? Anyway, continue living in your fantasy world with TDS and CDS and your hate for Trump. You are dumber than dumb. Keep trying dummy🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. You now have the reward of being the dumbest loser on the forum.
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That’s president Joe Biden, not former, not twice impeached, not convicted of sexual assault, not found guilty on 34 felon charges. None of that. Germany wouldn’t have released anyone for trump to make a deal, but they would for a real leader, Joe Biden.
We warned you and your loser friend espola not to do lawfare on your political opponent back in 2018.

VP Harris's tie-breaking vote OK'd federal judge tied to earlier Trump-Carroll defamation lawsuit

Fewer than eight months before Harris cast the tie-breaking vote confirming Judge AliKhan, the Judge joined an opinion that helped Carroll's defamation lawsuit against Trump continue- Just The News

Husker Du, you remind of one of the sickos in the movie, "Sound of Freedom." You support Groomers, MAPs and Pedos.