President Joe Biden

Well, they are the party that makes you feel better about your shortcomings.
- You're not envious of others' success, you are oppressed
- You're not more successful due to unfair advantages others have.
- You aren't unqualified, you are underrepresented. Merit is a mirage
- The truth is less important than promoting the party's causes
- You aren't supporting anti-democratic policies, you are saving democracy
- I know inflation is hard on you, but it's not as hard as you think and we'll keep printing money and randomly pass your debt off to taxpayers
- Criminals are victims
- It's not censorship of opinions I disagree with, it's removing disinformation
- Racism is OK as long as it is applied "correctly"
- Rape and other violence is OK as long as it is against Jews and you are oppressed
- Words are violence when you can't make a coherent argument against them
- When children struggle during puberty, as all children do, quickly transition the child before they grow out of this stage
- You aren't fat, even though you are, and even if you are fat, it's not your fault
- You are to be celebrated for your mental illness, not treated. You are fine the way you are
- You aren't a drug addict, you are self-medicating and will be given free drugs and a sidewalk to sleep and poop on
- You aren't dumb, the test is biased

My God. I never realized it would be so easy to vote for Trump - and I still don't like him. 😂
I'm telling you it's about 50/50 of my lib pals (I have a lot of them) who have switched and are now going to vote for the asshole Trump and the other half are undecided. Harris will get 33% of the dumb base but that's because of being brainwashed like espola and Husker Du. Two dumb dumbs of low quality.
espola's new favorite candidate. "Anyone but Trump" and Kamala is what espola gets. How fitting and a perfect match I might add.

When you elect garbage, you get this type of BS. It's why I support Tulsi Gabbard and Vivek Ramaswamy. They have real convictions and are capable of articulating them.

and they both support President Trump:cool:
Satan sure has destroyed the Olympics. This is a death cult that prey on little children. This is why I will came to earth, to help some of you see that killing babies is not a good idea.

When you elect garbage, you get this type of BS. It's why I support Tulsi Gabbard and Vivek Ramaswamy. They have real convictions and are capable of articulating them.

I think the libs really screwed up with Tulsi. She's young, but that's a woman that brings a lot to the table... no pun intended.

Maybe next go around... but they're both as solid as it comes and a new generation.
I think the libs really screwed up with Tulsi. She's young, but that's a woman that brings a lot to the table... no pun intended.

Maybe next go around... but they're both as solid as it comes and a new generation.
and they both support the asshole Trump:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
So to be clear, the guy that spent 50-years in politics and promised to build a railroad over an ocean now wants term limits?

These people are nuts. They also cheat, lie, kill & steal to get what they want. It's a trip to finally see what these MAPs are really about. Dude took showers with his daughter and now he wants term limits on SCOTUS because they & them don't like a ruling. Crazy talk. Good luck tough guy🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
espola voted for the man who took showers with his little girl. espola told all of us that it was not true and that Hunter's laptop from hell is false, and that Uncle James Island of horrors is not true. Then he called me the forums #1 liar. The nerve this demon(s) has. Ask anyone who still talks t0 me and they will tell you I'm the most honest and real person they know. Most can't handle me right now because I look at them right in the eyes when I talk. Insane to have to write this shit but I feel compelled because espola lied about me years ago and his aka handle threaten me. The punk thinks I'm just going to leave🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. To the new lurkers (thanks for the DMs), this espola guy is a fraud, a liar, supports MAPs, Pedos, rapists, witches and is just a fool. HE HATES Trump because Trump said, "I will bring the full force & weight of the Military to end human trafficking." "END" is the key word. Not scale back or lower the rapes at the boarder, no, he said, "end." These guys are all freaking out because their harm to children is FUCKING OVER!!!
