President Joe Biden

After Marcon dissed NATO good old Joe rallied the allies to help Ukraine or that conflict would be long over. One deals with the cards dealt. There was a complete pandemic plan that started with George W that was completed during Obama’s years that Trump wanted nothing to do with due to his ego driven hate. That’s who you want as president, an inept ego driven scumbag.
Crimson Contagion... do you know what that is?

I'll wait......
it’s far more difficult trying to be precise, accurate, informative, truthful and earnest (especially at 81 years old) than just spewing stream of consciousness lies, misinformation and personal attacks. It’s hard work being president . . . trump wouldn’t know as he has never done any hard work. Joe has been doing the job working hard, trump never did. He watched tv then went golfing for four years. Hard work ages a person. Trump doesn’t have that problem.
It's got to be exhausting escorting 10,000,000 illegal aliens across our borders... picking a DEI vice president so she'll stop talking about how he's a racist and sexual assaulter... sitting back and doing jack shit about our inflation problem... sending our tax dollars to those 2 wars you losers said Trump would involve us in... making excuses for a piece of shit son... buying more votes sending our remaining tax dollars to college deadbeats...

Any other accomplishments the Pedophile Potato can brag about? I mean other than blaming Trump for his 38% approval rating by Americans.
He doesn’t have to fight fires, just tell others how to put them out. Trump is completely unqualified, he is diplomatically inept and worse a sucker for flattery. Trump shuns those that hold him accountable (our allies) and leans into those that look to manipulate him. “I believe Mr Putin” over our own intelligence agencies. Again your choice.

I just hope I never have to come in here someday to say I told you so. But ego will never allow you to admit that possibility.
Would the Pedophile Potato know how to put out fires when the fucking moron doesn't know his Zelenskyy from his Putin?

C'mon, Kamala, tell us how!
He doesn’t have to fight fires, just tell others how to put them out. Trump is completely unqualified, he is diplomatically inept and worse a sucker for flattery. Trump shuns those that hold him accountable (our allies) and leans into those that look to manipulate him. “I believe Mr Putin” over our own intelligence agencies. Again your choice.

I just hope I never have to come in here someday to say I told you so. But ego will never allow you to admit that possibility.
There's ZERO chance of you EVER telling someone "I told you so" here, loser.
After Marcon dissed NATO good old Joe rallied the allies to help Ukraine or that conflict would be long over. One deals with the cards dealt. There was a complete pandemic plan that started with George W that was completed during Obama’s years that Trump wanted nothing to do with due to his ego driven hate. That’s who you want as president, an inept ego driven scumbag.
so....still living in the past I see. what has jb done for you lately besides convince you he's a born again immigrant from judea with a puerto rican mother. hasn't jb done enough? trumpy completely lives rent free in your head. are you the one driving around tearing down signs?
Jesus Christ. Who the fuck is captaining the ship right now? Hopefully it's not this incompetent douche bag.

Setting aside any questions about echoing that infantilizing language from the White House podium, there is the question of how many questions Biden should take. In discussions with White House Correspondents Association board members, officials signaled the president would take around four questions.

Four freaking questions? Is one of the questions going to be about ice cream?
it’s far more difficult trying to be precise, accurate, informative, truthful and earnest (especially at 81 years old) than just spewing stream of consciousness lies, misinformation and personal attacks. It’s hard work being president . . . trump wouldn’t know as he has never done any hard work. Joe has been doing the job working hard, trump never did. He watched tv then went golfing for four years. Hard work ages a person. Trump doesn’t have that problem.
that's it, now I'm even more convinced you are part of a russian bot farm. trumpy didn't work but jb has taken the world on his shoulders? you are hilarious.
After Marcon dissed NATO good old Joe rallied the allies to help Ukraine or that conflict would be long over. One deals with the cards dealt. There was a complete pandemic plan that started with George W that was completed during Obama’s years that Trump wanted nothing to do with due to his ego driven hate. That’s who you want as president, an inept ego driven scumbag.
"Rallied the troops" = Send tax dollars that belong to hardworking U.S. citizens struggling to pay their bills.

Incredible, coward. I guess that 10% for the Big Guy doesn't fund itself, huh?
Uh oh! I hear the "commander" in chief already fumbling and babbling through another live presser. Sounds like he has another cold... or maybe it was a stroke... or a lobotomy...


Setting aside any questions about echoing that infantilizing language from the White House podium, there is the question of how many questions Biden should take. In discussions with White House Correspondents Association board members, officials signaled the president would take around four questions.

Four freaking questions? Is one of the questions going to be about ice cream?
He should have stopped at 4...err, or skipped it altogether.
Oh shit! We've got it! "The neurologica... neurosur.. neuro... fuck. I'm great except for my left foot... didn't wear the boot."

Now it all makes sense.
Where is Uncle Bosie and the cannibals when you need them? I guess the good news, for you progressive libtards, is that Trump apparently transitioned into a black, female VP that the 'Tato wouldn't have appointed if she wasn't qualified.
Is this why Biden is only "dependably engaged" between 10am and 4pm with a nap in the middle?
6 hrs a day with a nap and lights out at 8pm, not a bad way to make a buck acting like a Pedo. Creeps like this making $400,000 is just wha dr. Jill ordered. She makes $86,000 being a teacher. Joe makes about $222.22 an hour with a nap. Insane!