By the way, a Capitol police officer just committed suicide. Contrast what he was going through to Grace Karen whining about how she was worried about her son doing the same because he couldn’t play youth soccer for a couple months.
Such self-pity. Wanna watch the murder of the Capitol police officer by domestic terrorists incited by your Orange Magat Master? Here you go:
You seem to be doing a great job all by yourself.So who wants to discuss why the Capitol insurrection wasn’t a big deal? Or how Mr. Shit For Brains and In His Pants Also didn’t incite this? Or the great job he’s done since to help our country heal and bring these criminals and murderers to justice?
Or maybe we should just talk about Grace Karen’s car accident a couple years ago since she believes everything is about her?
I would guess he’s still mad that you told him he had exposed himself as not understanding the law when he is in fact a lawyer.
My assumption is you were jesting in good spirit. But then again I’ve spent enough time around white people who grew up with wealth, to understand that a lot of time when it feels like they are pissing on you they are often oblivious to it. So I always let this kind of stuff go.
You seem to be doing a great job all by yourself.
That’s exactly what I’m saying (and not just worse but much nightmarish worst) and it would also be a tactical mistake away from important work the Biden admin needs to do. What we need now is the lowering of the temperature and statesmanship
Yah....watching extremists basically say, “Oh yah, we’ll watch this” with our businesses, livelihoods and basic fundamentals of our Government over the past 9 months has grown rather tiresome.Yup. Crickets from the trumpanzees. Have the repercussions of their ongoing support of the Bronze Baboon finally sunk in with the socalsoccer sycophants? I mean other than Karen Grace, who still thinks this is the fault of some woman with whom she got into a fender bender, and Bill Clinton. Maybe also Cicero, but I still can’t figure out the link between Orange Julius and Julius Caeser.
Most people don’t whine and play the victim like the righties, squeaky wheels looking for the grease.I work in entertainment, and so by default have a lot of very liberal friends on Facebook. A good friend of mine was just complaining that some fb post he made about sending in the National Guard to clean things up in during the riots got censored and he was warned about being on probation if he kept it up.
So I don't think it's just the right wing that's getting caught up in it, its the far lefties too. Neither side hears about it though, because what's happening to everyone else rarely pierces the partisan bubble.
Most people don’t whine and play the victim like the righties, squeaky wheels looking for the grease.
Where’s the laptop?Nah the one where Hunter Biden got a Burisma board position for no reason or experience, where he had business dealings with China despite the lack of experience, and where allusions were made by the Biden family that Joe Biden was involved and aware, including by their former business partner and the recovered laptop.
I think I called this earlier:
Amazon employees call for company to cut ties with Parler after deadly U.S. Capitol riot
"We cannot be complicit in more bloodshed and violent attacks on our democracy," the employee advocacy group wrote in a
I’d rather just refer to them as righties. I don’t want to call them names..I think you meant Karens and snowflakes.
I’d rather just refer to them as righties. I don’t want to call them names..
Pretty sensationalist, definitely stirring the pot and conclusions are pretty delusional. Given how heated people are, concluding that there is a "purge" coming and language like that is just dumping large logs on large fires.Worth the read.
The woke purge
Twitter’s suspension of Donald Trump is a chilling sign of tyranny to