President Joe Biden

Never said that. My point is that the leftist media uses that gaffe as prima facie evidence that Trump's mental impairment is comparable to Biden's. Only a partisan hack would claim that. Biden can't even remember when he was VP. Less than a 1/4 of those in a recent poll believe Biden has the mental capacity to be President. His caretakers won't even let him do a layup Super Bowl interview. Of course, he probably thinks John Brodie is playing Len Dawson.

What is more concerning to me than Trump's occasional gaffes, are his comments like migrants are "poisoning the blood" of Americans. When Trump speaks I shake my head, but when Biden speaks I'm WTF.

Let's have a primetime special where they both take a competency test on live TV. If they don't pass, they're out of the race. I'd rather see that then a debate (although there's is no way they will allow Biden to debate).
Do you think Biden will speak 3/7? This will be one of the most watched State of Union ever. By the way, these people Trump talks about are not migrant's dude. My Father-In-law is a migrant. He got a visa through the proper legal way and came to America when he was 18. He met his future wife and became a citizen and produced 4 kids. I'm in Guatemala right now and they don't let anyone into their country illegally. What we're seeing today is a invasion dude of mass evil. The so-called "migrants" you refer to, are beating up cops, bringing drugs to kill our kids (like my nephew David) and they bring little kids without their parents (orphanage and foster care) so sickos can play with them. Why are all the "migrants" military aged Watty? This is what happens when you chirp from a fence. Your clueless and watch way too much CNN and MSN.
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Espola's and Husker's hate for Trump may impair their common sense, but I don't believe for a second that they support child trafficking in any manner, shape or form.
Oh really? They have never once empathized or acknowledge that these crimes are going on. Espola says Hunters Laptop from Hell is fake. Husker Du says that kids that go missing are just runaways. You can think what you want Watty. Did you see the picture on the evil laptop of an allegedly FJB in his younger years whipping a 14-year-old native girl on Epstein's Island? There is a thing called the dark web and let me just say it's evil. You live in a bubble. You supported the war in Ukraine. Did you send any of your kids to go fight?
@watfly, while I have your attention, can you share with all of us your take on the jabs today? You're on the record numerous times about doing whatever your Doc tells you and you took all the boosters. Do you think you were lied to? We know fucking Joe, Dr Fraud, Dr. Frances and all the other liars in the news that said if you took the jabs, you would not get the virus. That was complete horse shit, right?

@watfly, while I have your attention, can you share with all of us your take on the jabs today? You're on the record numerous times about doing whatever your Doc tells you and you took all the boosters. Do you think you were lied to? We know fucking Joe, Dr Fraud, Dr. Frances and all the other liars in the news that said if you took the jabs, you would not get the virus. That was complete horse shit, right?

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Not sure where you get your information about me. No boosters for me or my family. They're unnecessary and mostly ineffective. We're learning more and more about the potential safety risks of the vaccine. I find the current Pfizer covid vaccine ads as manipulative and misleading.
Not sure where you get your information about me. No boosters for me or my family. They're unnecessary and mostly ineffective. We're learning more and more about the potential safety risks of the vaccine. I find the current Pfizer covid vaccine ads as manipulative and misleading.
Go back and read the Vaccine section.
Not sure where you get your information about me. No boosters for me or my family. They're unnecessary and mostly ineffective. We're learning more and more about the potential safety risks of the vaccine. I find the current Pfizer covid vaccine ads as manipulative and misleading.

Makes you wonder when they have to run television commercials to encourage you getting the vaccine/boosters, doesn't it?
"It's adults' responsibility to get the vaccine or assume the risk." Watty

"Man, ever since I got the vaccine I've felt amazing. I've dropped 30lbs, been biking like a mad man. I'm crushing my strava times from 10+ years ago and I used to race. I keep telling myself the vaccine is better than HGH. Coincidence? Probably, but I'm certainly not feeling worse." NoCaldad

"The vaccines are safe and effective, don't believe the misinformation."

"I'm pro-Vax and would recommend everyone get a vaccination, but I can understand how the previously infected would question the necessity of getting a vaccine." Watty

"We don't have an independent military, like Burma. We have civilian control. Generals do not get to override civil authorities. If the President says the jab is mandatory, and the courts uphold it, then it is mandatory." Dad4

"Stop complaining about the consequences of your choice to not ‘get the jab’… sorry it’s inconvenient to exercise your freedom.
Maybe you could spend more time telling other people what they should put in their bodies. NVM, you already do that and they’re fine with the consequences of meat, alcohol, etc." NOOB

I don't have time to look for more of your quotes watty. I might have you confused with Nocal Dad and K & S and for that, please forgive me for saying you took the booster. I'm glad to hear you said no to the boosters. I'm sorry your dd was coerced into taking them to keep her job. I sure hope your son said no all the ay to today. it sure is crazy to look back at all the "experts" on this topic at the forum and how fucking wrong they were. They mocked me a lot. I stood strong with Hound and a few others. You seemed to be in the middle (go figure) on the issue and that's cool. I have lost numerous friends to heart attacks the last three years. Every day I get info from MSN and its heart attack death every day. It's like their rubbing it in our faces.
There is no way its 22%. NPR reported 7% and I've seen claims of 13%. I'd bet for under 65 its low single digits.
I sure hope it's low. I don't believe the bullshit stats either. I went back to read the vaccine post and I was begging people not to take the shots. I lost my ability to make a living in SoCal. I was laughed at and mocked. What did I gain for all my warnings to all my so-called friends on here and in life? I lost friends, I lost income, but I do have my health and I know I was 100% right. None of old friends even speak to me. My son lost a year of college and did bull crap online school and my dd lost out on a full ride in soccer because the coach didn't want to ask the school for a waiver. Retribution? I also have come on here to share about the abuse girls got in youth soccer from assholes. I also shared about all the kids being killed and raped. I bet you I am right about EVERYTHING. I took a stand, and we shall see how karma works itself out. I will say the find folks in Guatemala have loved me and been super kind to my wife and I. Amazing people here.
By the way Watty, all these attacks on me and my family the last 6 years have taken a toll on my soul and it's been hard. Yes, I know I am emotional but someone has to scream from the roof tops because so many were blind to the truth. All this while I'm also helping my in laws, that both have Alzheimers. I came to Guatemala to help them retire here up in Lake Atitlan. The people here are amazing. It's been a place to heal and look to make a comeback. I love California and will live there as well and visit Lake Atitlan every year as well. Two places to live. I believe in California. God (not sure if your still agnostic) has taken care of us with food, unlimited supply of water and a place to live. My wife plans to teach English to the kids so they can advance in life. This is her tribe and her way of giving to these amazing people. I might teach some PE.

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Espola's and Husker's hate for Trump may impair their common sense, but I don't believe for a second that they support child trafficking in any manner, shape or form.
Trump has no place in government, period. He can’t speak in any detail or any real capacity about policy, history, democracy, ideology (the only tenets he holds are transactional), traditions, the economy, foreign affairs, geography and pretty much anything else of substance. Trump has always been a sideshow carnival barker with a long history of mis-deeds and mis-statements while displaying a complete lack of self awareness. He’s a psychopathic and a liar. What I see as his most egregious behavior is the con he has played on good people looking for something to believe in.
Espola's and Husker's hate for Trump may impair their common sense, but I don't believe for a second that they support child trafficking in any manner, shape or form.
It doesn't matter what c says any more. He has established himself as the primary liar in this forum.
Trump has no place in government, period. He can’t speak in any detail or any real capacity about policy, history, democracy, ideology (the only tenets he holds are transactional), traditions, the economy, foreign affairs, geography and pretty much anything else of substance. Trump has always been a sideshow carnival barker with a long history of mis-deeds and mis-statements while displaying a complete lack of self awareness. He’s a psychopathic and a liar. What I see as his most egregious behavior is the con he has played on good people looking for something to believe in.
I don't disagree with you on most of our points, but he has incredible instincts (aka street smarts) in many cases. He is uncanny at exploiting leverage. IMO his worst traits are driven by his incredibly thin skin. I've said it before, he is a false prophet.
I don't disagree with you on most of our points, but he has incredible instincts (aka street smarts) in many cases. He is uncanny at exploiting leverage. IMO his worst traits are driven by his incredibly thin skin. I've said it before, he is a false prophet.
I have a question for you watty. Since Trump is a false prophet, what has he been wrong about? Do you see how dumb and dumber are the dumbest losers on here. Dumb dumb just called me "c" and he calls Trump "t." What an honor. These fuckers also do not care about saving kids from blood thirsty vampires. Look man, I was born to take down these scum bags. I was an orphane in foster care and then adopted. Like I said before, I was saved from pure evil dude and I will live the rest of my helping others, especially kids. Im called the biggest liar on the forum and all I do is share the truth. Someone is a liar dude and its not me.
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