Never said that. My point is that the leftist media uses that gaffe as prima facie evidence that Trump's mental impairment is comparable to Biden's. Only a partisan hack would claim that. Biden can't even remember when he was VP. Less than a 1/4 of those in a recent poll believe Biden has the mental capacity to be President. His caretakers won't even let him do a layup Super Bowl interview. Of course, he probably thinks John Brodie is playing Len Dawson.
What is more concerning to me than Trump's occasional gaffes, are his comments like migrants are "poisoning the blood" of Americans. When Trump speaks I shake my head, but when Biden speaks I'm WTF.
Let's have a primetime special where they both take a competency test on live TV. If they don't pass, they're out of the race. I'd rather see that then a debate (although there's is no way they will allow Biden to debate).

Do you think Biden will speak 3/7? This will be one of the most watched State of Union ever. By the way, these people Trump talks about are not migrant's dude. My Father-In-law is a migrant. He got a visa through the proper legal way and came to America when he was 18. He met his future wife and became a citizen and produced 4 kids. I'm in Guatemala right now and they don't let anyone into their country illegally. What we're seeing today is a invasion dude of mass evil. The so-called "migrants" you refer to, are beating up cops, bringing drugs to kill our kids (like my nephew David) and they bring little kids without their parents (orphanage and foster care) so sickos can play with them. Why are all the "migrants" military aged Watty? This is what happens when you chirp from a fence. Your clueless and watch way too much CNN and MSN.
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