President Joe Biden

I don't disagree with you on most of our points, but he has incredible instincts (aka street smarts) in many cases. He is uncanny at exploiting leverage. IMO his worst traits are driven by his incredibly thin skin. I've said it before, he is a false prophet.
Fence sitter
Trump has no place in government, period. He can’t speak in any detail or any real capacity about policy, history, democracy, ideology (the only tenets he holds are transactional), traditions, the economy, foreign affairs, geography and pretty much anything else of substance. Trump has always been a sideshow carnival barker with a long history of mis-deeds and mis-statements while displaying a complete lack of self awareness. He’s a psychopathic and a liar. What I see as his most egregious behavior is the con he has played on good people looking for something to believe in.
Well, he's been in your TDS brain for 8 years loser and the next 4 years will be epic. The take down of sick ass child killers & kiddy rapist will be the highlight of my life. Poor Husker Du is a loser and so is your pal Espola.
It doesn't matter what c says any more. He has established himself as the primary liar in this forum.
Everything you just wrote is actually you loser. 8 years of your hate will be revealed for all to witness. What a total loser and liar. One of us is lying. No middle ground. You told everyone on here that Hunters laptop from hell was a lie. You suck!!
I'm glad all you losers came back to chat with crush. TDS is in full swing. A false prophet is when their wrong about what they predict. Trump has been right about EVERYTHING. Watty, I'm disappointed in you. You were dead wrong about the jabs. You were wrong about Espola and Husker Du Du. Your just wrong dude. Remember what the false prophet said when he started his adminstration and what group of sick fucks he will destroy with the full force & weight of the Military? Thin skin my ass. Plus, he's working his ass off trying to save our country. He's 5 steps ahead of these morons. SMFH tonight.
Famed playwright and filmmaker David Mamet believes Donald Trump is the best president since Abraham Lincoln. Speaking with UnHerd, Mamet lauded the border stability, strong economy, and global peace the Trump presidency achieved.
“He brought peace to the Middle East. He closed the border. He made us an energy exporter,” Mamet said in an interview with the British website, continuing: “He had the best rating among African Americans of any president ever. And the country was at peace and prosperous in the world.”
Mamet defended Trump from critics who claim his brash New York style alienates voters. “He’s got a big mouth, so do I. The question is, who do you like in a fair fight with your back to the wall?” Mamet argued, adding: “Who would you rather have? Joe Biden, who’s a senile old bag-man, or Donald Trump, who’s a scrapper and loves his country."
I'm a scapper too. I love my country. I want all kids protected from sick pedos who seemed to be running the world as we all worked 60 hours a week. Trump took the fight head on to take down child killers and child rapist. Look at how espola and husker are losing their minds for all to witness. They hate t and c because c and t want human and sex trafficking eradicated.
The moron Espola calls me the biggest liar on the forum🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Espola lies and supports liars so much, he actually now believes these lies to be truth. Then the lying loser tells everyone I'm the liar. This sounds like club soccer losers. I caught them all lying, taking kickbacks, asking for money for privates and banging the moms, sexually harassing office workers and assistant coaches. These assholes actually did what espola just did, they turned the tables on me and blamed me for being a club hopper, a hawk dad and even had spies on my dd social media accounts and at her school. These are ruthless lying liberals that need to be dealt with.

@watfly @espola @Hüsker Dü and all the rest that are on here lurking. We have been dealing with a small but very evil group of Satan worshipers. HRC was a real WITCH. We also have other Witches and Warlocks doing the unthinkable to children. That's why Trump calls it a, "Witch Hunt" These are sick fuckers that are being eradicated from the earth. Mrs. Powell shared about the cops. Many committed "suicide" after seeing this evil. Espola, Husker and that evil loser Surf Futbol supports these sick fucks, why watty?

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"I know many of you are atheist, agnostic, God haters & haters on those who love God. I'm here to wake you up. We have a two-tier system of evil cheaters, just like espola. Husker Du is 100% anti-God and Anti Jesus. He and his evil pals will have to deal with the Creator one on one. It's not my place to judge these people. Watty, you have been deceived all your life and you are about to witness who God is. God loves you, espola and Husker Du. I love you all to speak the truth to all three of you. Yes, I come on hard and spiritually slap you to wake up. The New Earth is here to stay and ain't nothing you guys can do about it. Cheating, lying, harming kids, kidnapping kids, using kids and killing kids will not be allowed." c

"Biden took the Documents in his “mental primetime.” He shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this, and he wasn’t protected by the Presidential Records Act. I was cooperative with the Investigators. Crooked Joe Biden didn’t - Just the opposite, following the usual, corrupt Democrat Playbook. He “willfully retained” documents. This is Scam Justice - Deranged Jack Smith and his Thugs should immediately drop the totally discredited Documents Hoax against me. A TWO-TIERED SYSTEM OF JUSTICE AND SELECTIVE PROSECUTION!" t
Picture from Dan Scavino with Trump Force One and oh my, what is next to President Trumps plane? Could that be a C-17? What flies with the President? Have you all noticed the protection Trump has? Wake up blind haters......

Once your true colors are woke, you will go broke on the New Earth and be no more. Symbolism will be their downfall. Espola calls me the biggest liar on the forum🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

Trump has no place in government, period. He can’t speak in any detail or any real capacity about policy, history, democracy, ideology (the only tenets he holds are transactional), traditions, the economy, foreign affairs, geography and pretty much anything else of substance. Trump has always been a sideshow carnival barker with a long history of mis-deeds and mis-statements while displaying a complete lack of self awareness. He’s a psychopathic and a liar. What I see as his most egregious behavior is the con he has played on good people looking for something to believe in.
From President Trump today in S.C. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
"He keeps telling you.
POTUS is brilliant the way he slips these hints in…

Speaking about the documents that he had stored in Mar-A-Lago in 2022:

“They didn’t see the ones we had. We had them locked up. And we had Secret Service all the time..
Because I was President ALL THE TIME.”

Father fights off suspect trying to abduct 4-year-old from Miami CVS: video​

Nicolas Sternaman attempted to snatch the boy from inside a CVS pharmacy before his parents came to the rescue​

I guess another 4-year-old was trying to run away from their parents, huh Husker Du? You sure are stupid or? Watty spoke up for you and espola and I guess knows the both of you real well.


Father fights off suspect trying to abduct 4-year-old from Miami CVS: video​

Nicolas Sternaman attempted to snatch the boy from inside a CVS pharmacy before his parents came to the rescue​

I guess another 4-year-old was trying to run away from their parents, huh Husker Du? You sure are stupid or? Watty spoke up for you and espola and I guess knows the both of you real well.

Without the e-mail trap --


James "espola" Carville says Biden skipping Super Bowl interview is a 'sign': 'No other way to read this'​

Carville posited that the White House 'doesn't have much confidence' in Biden​

The Dems, espola, Husker Du and my lib pal are going insane right now. I talked with my Lib pal and he also says he's looking at moving to Canada if Trump wins. I laughed and told him Trump won in 2016, 2020 and will win again in 2024. He did say he thinks I might be right about devolution and that pisses him off even more. He feels betrayed and tricked. He sounded like shit, and I asked him if he was sick again and he told me yes but not as bad as the last few days.
