Thanks a lot you two. Yes, you two know WHO I'm talking about. Sold US all down the river all for 30 coins and so you two could help your family be big time. Now you want to start WWIII with our kids blood. Brilliant you guys, just brilliant!!! If you look at the two actors today, they don't even look like these two. Where are they? Where is Hunter? Cheats and the Elites will not be allowed to play pay to play and war games anymore. It will soon trickle down to sports, work and so much more. You won't have to sell your soul to be famous. You won't have to cheat, lie and steal to win or just pay $$$$ to be on the team. No more jabs to keep you job or be able to go to college in Liberal States. Soon and very soon a new game will start. Oh boy, I can't wait