Multi Sport
Between catching runoff, El Nino storms and winter storms in general.Where are you getting all this water from?
2018/19 and 19/20 we were seven inches over normal.
Between catching runoff, El Nino storms and winter storms in general.Where are you getting all this water from?
That sounds like a lot except when compared to the total consumption. 35 million gallons a day is about 7% of normal LA county consumption. If that amount were fully reclaimed, no reservoirs would be needed since it would just be used as fast as it was supplied.
I like the word up charging.You guys need to get your priorities straight and fight for what's really important.
Succession's James Cromwell SUPERGLUES himself to Starbucks counter
Academy Award nominated actor James Cromwell,82, was captured superglued to a Starbucks counter in protest of the coffee company up charging vegan
While you rightly condemn the violent attack on a pro-life office in Wisconsin, don’t forget to condemn the recent arson at an abortion clinic in Knoxville.Protesters outside Brett M. Kavanaugh’s house warned the Supreme Court justice this weekend, “If you take away our choices, we will riot.” They marched on Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr.’s home chanting “Abort the court!” and stood outside the home of Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. (who apparently did not vote to overturn Roe v. Wade) yelling “The whole world is watching!”
This is not just noxious behavior; it is illegal. Federal law — Section 1507 of Title 18 of the U.S. Code — clearly states that it is unlawful to protest near a “residence occupied or used by [a] judge, juror, witness, or court officer” with the intent of influencing “the discharge of his duty,” adding that anyone who “uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”
The reason is simple: It is obstruction of justice. Just as it is against the law to tamper with witnesses or jurors by intimidating them or their family, it’s unlawful to tamper with a Supreme Court justice by coming to their home to threaten, harass or coerce them to influence their vote in a case before the court.
So, what is the Biden administration doing about it? This is a federal statute, so it’s Attorney General Merrick Garland’s responsibility to enforce it. When the National School Boards Association wrote to President Biden complaining about angry parents showing up at school board meetings, Garland immediately issued a memorandum to the director of the FBI ordering him to “convene meetings … in each federal judicial district” to discuss “strategies for addressing threats” made by parents. The Justice Department further announced Garland would form “a task force, consisting of representatives from the department’s … National Security Division” — created by the Patriot Act to investigate terrorists — to “determine how federal enforcement tools can be used to prosecute these crimes.”
Garland declared at the time, “Threats against public servants are not only illegal, they run counter to our nation’s core values.” I’m sorry, are Supreme Court justices not public servants? Does attempting to intimidate them not run counter to our nation’s core values? In the case of the school boards association, not one of the incidents they cited involved a violation of federal law, yet Garland swung into action. But the harassment of justices at their homes does violate federal law and what is Garland doing? Despite multiple inquiries, Justice Department spokesman Anthony Coley refused to explain what steps Garland was taking to protect justices or enforce the law.
Garland’s failure to act is an appalling dereliction of duty. So is Biden’s failure to condemn the protests. During his victory speech after the election, Biden declared that it was time “stop treating our opponents as our enemy.” In his inaugural address, he promised to “end this uncivil war” and put “my whole soul” into “bringing America together.”
Not only has he failed to fulfill that promise, he has modeled the bad behavior these protesters are now emulating. When Republicans blocked his partisan election law, Biden accused them of standing with racists and traitors, and called them “enemies” of America, thundering, “I will defend the right to vote, our democracy against all enemies — foreign and, yes, domestic.” That sent a signal that our fellow Americans who disagree with us are in fact “enemies” and can be treated as such. When someone is your enemy, then there is nothing to stop you from showing up at their house to threaten and intimidate them.
Asked last Friday about the group calling itself “Ruth Sent Us,” which published the locations of the justices’ homes on its website, White House press secretary Jen Psaki refused to condemn the doxing. “We want people to protest peacefully if they want to,” she said, adding that she didn’t have “an official U.S. government position on where people protest.”
There is in fact an “official U.S. government position on where people protest” — it’s 18 U.S.C. 1507. After someone firebombed a pro-life group’s offices in Wisconsin on Sunday, Psaki belatedly tweeted that the Biden “strongly believes in the Constitutional right to protest. But that should never include violence, threats, or vandalism.” It took someone throwing a Molotov cocktail at pro-lifers to elicit even that mild criticism. What will it take to get the president to order his attorney general to enforce federal law barring harassment of the justices and their families in their homes?
Last year, when left-wing protesters followed Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) into a bathroom, filming as they yelled at her over her opposition to Biden’s Build Back Better legislation, the president dismissed her harassment, declaring it was “part of the process.” It’s not. It’s appalling behavior. But it’s not illegal. Well, harassing Supreme Court justices in their homes is against the law. It’s time for Biden to enforce that law before someone gets hurt.
When he's this far underwater what does he have to lose by making shit up? It's his best, and likely only, strategy right now...blame and obfuscate.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but those people are being pursued for prosecution. Those that are trying to obstruct justice outside the judges homes are actually being encouraged by the Biden administration. Huge difference.While you rightly condemn the violent attack on a pro-life office in Wisconsin, don’t forget to condemn the recent arson at an abortion clinic in Knoxville.
Or the gun attack at the same clinic 11 months before.
Or the roughly annual molotov and gun attacks at abortion clinics in the US.
Or the daily efforts to block access to abortion clinics across the country.
Pro choice radicals attempting arson is despicable. It is also a tiny sliver of the violence surrounding abortion rights in the US.
Pipeline from where?
Where are you getting all this water from?
As I already posted, more empty reservoirs do not solve the problem.
More priorities.You guys need to get your priorities straight and fight for what's really important.
Succession's James Cromwell SUPERGLUES himself to Starbucks counter
Academy Award nominated actor James Cromwell,82, was captured superglued to a Starbucks counter in protest of the coffee company up charging vegan
I don’t like the reason for Hawley’s attention, but I wouldn’t shed a tear for an end to copyright abuse. The constitution clearly says patents and copyrights are temporary. It’s long past time for early movie copyrights to expire.More priorities.
Sen. Josh Hawley wants to strip Disney of copyright to Mickey Mouse
Sen. Josh Hawley launched an attack on Disney's copyright protection for Mickey Mouse, unveiling a bill on Tuesday that would strip it of its control of the iconic cartoon
My buddy is a licensed Disney painter so I wouldn't be in favor of ending the copyright.I don’t like the reason for Hawley’s attention, but I wouldn’t shed a tear for an end to copyright abuse. The constitution clearly says patents and copyrights are temporary. It’s long past time for early movie copyrights to expire.
My buddy is a licensed Disney painter so I wouldn't be in favor of ending the copyright.
WTH?More priorities.
Sen. Josh Hawley wants to strip Disney of copyright to Mickey Mouse
Sen. Josh Hawley launched an attack on Disney's copyright protection for Mickey Mouse, unveiling a bill on Tuesday that would strip it of its control of the iconic cartoon
Not remotely close to cab driver medallions. I've asked how he got it, but my memory fails me. Not easy as I recall, definitely a license to print money. Disney people are nutty and apparently many are very wealthy. He does stuff other than Disney and I occasionally see his Einstein print sold in various stores.That's like cab driver medallions.
How do you go about getting licensed for that?
My adopted mom's first husband was very, very good pals with Walt.Not remotely close to cab driver medallions. I've asked how he got it, but my memory fails me. Not easy as I recall, definitely a license to print money. Disney people are nutty and apparently many are very wealthy. He does stuff other than Disney and I occasionally see his Einstein print sold in various stores.