The Crypto Crash Is Just the Start
Is the U.S. destined to have a recession in 2022?www.theatlantic.com
Again.Thanks Joe..
If truth matters, having been listening to the talking heads on cnbc for the past year I know its fair to say the Biden admin took a lot of heat for warning mutual fund managers of consequences if they dared invested pension money into crypto. So I don't follow your post? At least to my humble opinion the crypto fallout has been contained to crypto investors; and we know that because it hasn't dragged down the broader market, like happened with the real estate bubble and the dot.com bubbles. We can argue the politics of it, but if you're going to allow folks to make risky investments that have hight levels of risk... in a weird way this crash seems as good an outcome as is reasonable to expect?
As a capitalist, I look at how Biden admin played this one and it strikes me as an example of regulation that I like.