That's the crazy world we live in where satire is sometimes closer to the truth than alleged legitimate sources of news.Babylon Bee is a parody/comedy site.
That's the crazy world we live in where satire is sometimes closer to the truth than alleged legitimate sources of news.Babylon Bee is a parody/comedy site.
What should we do about it? 20 years in Afghanistan and not one aspect of their culture has fundamentally changed. And it's not from a lack of trying. We've flooded them with western ideals. In a span of seven days, beauty shops have closed, burqas are back in style, and the education opportunities for girls have basically disappeared. Obviously those ideals weren't enough to galvanize the men of afghanistan to stand up on their own two legs to defend their daughters, sisters, and wives. Feel sorry for those that really wanted change (there are a few).. The rest will meekly shrink back into the status quo. We should not spend another dime or drop of American blood there or any part of the world that isn't willing to stand on their own two feet and shoulder the burden of helping their own country. We've basically created corrupt multi millionaires and helped create one of the most profitable narco states the world has ever seen. It will drive you crazy if you stop to think about it.
Besides, I rarely see people lined up at the recruiters office signing up for deployment to least not since Sep 2001.
You are comparing our society to theirs. I'm not spinning anything. When was the last time you set foot in that part of the world? We've been there for 20 years, not one thing has changed. Kabul is not San Jose. The Korengal Valley is not Sonoma.Here's another one for you. Your neighbor owes your $500 and you hear someone attacking his daughter outside in the ally at night? Is your point that because he's owes you money that it frees you from going out and helping the poor kid? I mean I'm trying to get my head around your argument, but it strikes me as a bit silly.
That said spin it however you please. Talk about prayers. Talk about right and wrong. My two cents? To leave those people, in that position is inexcusable. I might not be able to fix slavery (or even be willing to pay reparations). But I've learned enough over the last few years to know there are times when you have to say this is inexcusable that we as a nation let this happen and it's plum wrong to be looking away.
Really? Nuh uh..Babylon Bee is a parody/comedy site.
The Chinese kill Uyghurs don’t they?What are your thoughts on China supposedly wanting to come in and set up? Would like to here perspective thoughts on this…
I thought they sent them to re-education camps to teach them the wise ways of communist China. Maybe they can take the same approach in Afghanistan ,make the Taliban see the light.The Chinese kill Uyghurs don’t they?
Yes, why?The Chinese kill Uyghurs don’t they?
1. Prevent terrorism, root out islamic extremism?Yes, why?
I asked because it’s not related to my previous question on post 2128.1. Prevent terrorism, root out islamic extremism?
2. The chinese like to promote Han nationlism?
I guess you can pick one or both..
You are slow to the game.Babylon Bee is a parody/comedy site.
Well that and they want to teach them in the ways of factory work once they have been indoctrinated/beaten down. After all the world needs more iphones and people to make them.I thought they sent them to re-education camps to teach them the wise ways of communist China. Maybe they can take the same approach in Afghanistan ,make the Taliban see the light.
No? Huh, makes perfect sense to me. Killing Muslims shouldn’t go down very well with Islamic extremists wouldn’t you say? But of course trump conservatives don’t concern themselves with human rights issues so you may not know about what’s happening in the real world.I asked because it
I asked because it’s not related to my previous question on post 2128.
First off, open your eyes blind man. If you ((Husker Du)) can't start with protecting the rights of unborn babies, you have nothing to say about conservatives and what concerns they have for others. Buzz off dude. Seriously, you and Espola look stupid!!! Trump's first speech as President was the war on Human Trafficking. He said and I quote, "I want to make clear today that my administration will focus on ending the absolutely horrific practice of human trafficking." The key word is "ending." All the rats like you have been running scared ever sense. Guess what Husker, that's what he and the Military have been doing this whole time. Watch this again and listen to his words bro. It's too hard for the average person to handle. Most dads dont want to look and look to fix this probelm in our country and around the world. Cheaters who lie and rape are bad. Where are all the actors? Where is Tom? Oh boy, were all in for a huge awakening. God help us!!!conservatives don’t concern themselves with human rights
Who are the Uyghurs and why is China being accused of genocide?
China has been accused by the US of genocide and crimes against humanity against the Muslim minority
Along with promoting han nationalism, the chinese will not tolerate instability. They also know that they are free to do what they want. who is going to tell them to stop?I asked because it
I asked because it’s not related to my previous question on post 2128.
The question involved China’s future involvement in a Islamic extremist, taliban lead Afghanistan. The question also involved a future Russian presence there. In a place lead by people we supplied and financed in a war against a failed Russian invasion.Along with promoting han nationalism, the chinese will not tolerate instability. They also know that they are free to do what they want. who is going to tell them to stop?
I don't have a crystal ball. The chinese don't have the capacity to "occupy" Afghanistan. They have the capacity and the will to economically influence afghanistan. If there is something to be extracted out of afghanistan, they will establish a footprint, pay $$$$ for protection, and reap the benefits of cheap local labor. Much like they've done in Southern Iraq. But remember, we invaded Iraq for the oil...or was it to secure the oil fields for the chinese..The question involved China’s future involvement in a Islamic extremist, taliban lead Afghanistan. The question also involved a future Russian presence there. In a place lead by people we supplied and financed in a war against a failed Russian invasion.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend?