
I wonder what would have happened if they were in a mosque?

BJ Clinton sure hates women and children.

ATF gets roasted on Waco anniversary

Posted at 6:35 pm on March 02, 2019 by Write Winger


On the 26th anniversary of the Waco Siege, the ATF memorialized on their Facebook page four agents who were killed while raiding the Branch Davidian compound.

“On this day 26 years ago, four ATF agents were killed in the line of duty in a mission outside of Waco, Texas. Special Agents Conway LeBleu, Todd McKeehan, Robert Williams, and Steve Willis demonstrated the determination and bravery that are the hallmarks of all ATF agents. We honor all the Special Agents present that day, whose persistence in the face of grave danger exceeded the highest of expectations. Their bravery and brotherhood continues to unite our organization in support of our mission to protect the public.”

“This is not going to go like you think it’s gonna go,” one early commenter predicted.

The post went viral, but the public didn’t quite remember the incident the same way as the government, nor were they quite as sympathetic towards the fallen agents as they were for the 82 men, women, and children who were burned alive in the ensuing stand-off over “suspected weapons charges,” widely considered the biggest debacle in ATF history.

A few of the best comments:

“ATF was burning kids alive before shooting dogs was cool.”

“ATF agent 1: we really need to work on our image after shooting so many dogs. ATF agent 2: Here’s an idea, lets remind everyone about that time we burned down a church full of women and children.”

“‘We haven’t hardly had any traffic on our social media pages lately’

‘I got an idea’…”

“Mission to protect the public by lighting them on fire? Weird flex but ok.”

“I can’t wait to see the FBI and y’all try this again in August with Ruby Ridge. Bold move cotton.”

“I’d post a Timothy McVeigh meme but I love my dogs too much.”

“This post made Janet Reno moist.”

“Can’t wait until the Kent State massacre appreciation thread.”

“Comment section almost as lit as all those people you murdered.”

Dimitri Karras of Firearms Unknown, a firearm component and accessory company that’s been a thorn in the side of the ATF for years, responded to the ATF post with his own memorial.

“Since the ATF wanted to have a Memorial Day today for Waco, we decided to participate,” he said, altering receipts to include not only the sales taxes customarily labeled as “Government Theft,” but also a meme depicting Bill Clinton and the church on fire with the caption, “Don’t have to worry about separating families if you… burn them to death,” and the names of the 82 Branch Davidians killed in the siege.
So David is now one of your hero's?
He was! A victim? WOW!
Of all the stupid shit, I have read here, David Koresh as a victim has to take the prize. A man who raped young women and then hid behind them and babies (causing their death) instead of taking responsibility for his actions. I know, but he was a strong leader, so that makes it okay.

Joe, you are fucked in the head.
Of all the stupid shit, I have read here, David Koresh as a victim has to take the prize. A man who raped young women and then hid behind them and babies (causing their death) instead of taking responsibility for his actions. I know, but he was a strong leader, so that makes it okay.

Joe, you are fucked in the head.

ATF did their share of pooch-screwing in that incident. They had opportunities to arrest Koresh away from his compound but failed to do so. They also knew that the Davidians knew they were coming, but couldn't stop themselves from participating in what any sane adult should have seen was going to be a disaster.
ATF did their share of pooch-screwing in that incident. They had opportunities to arrest Koresh away from his compound but failed to do so. They also knew that the Davidians knew they were coming, but couldn't stop themselves from participating in what any sane adult should have seen was going to be a disaster.
And Koresh and his band of fuck ups had every chance to walk out and save everyone. So easy to blame the police, who were looking at a well armed militia of religious fanatics. Joe asked about if this was a mosque and that answer would have been easier because we would have applauded a full military assault not the light version the ATF tried. There is something about that time where the right demonized all actions by the AG and Clinton. Especially if it was a group of white quasi Christian religious fanatics. There was a reason the Jeffs' moved to the same area in Texas to fuck preteen girls.
Of all the stupid shit, I have read here, David Koresh as a victim has to take the prize. A man who raped young women and then hid behind them and babies (causing their death) instead of taking responsibility for his actions. I know, but he was a strong leader, so that makes it okay.

Joe, you are fucked in the head.
You are getting a bit emotional, aren't you?
Nope. It is one of, if not, the stupidest thing you have ever posted.
Anyone know where the judge, jury and executioner Andy is? I guess he is not a fan of our legal system.
What a big, dumb dope he is, ignorant too.

Let me know if you need it explained any further, dumb fuck.

Allegations of child abuse and statutory rapeEdit
Koresh was alleged to be involved in unproven multiple incidents of child abuse and sexual abuse.[17] Koresh's doctrine of the House of David[18] did lead to "marriages" with both married and single women in the group purportedly with at least one underage girl. The underage girl was Michelle Jones, the younger sister of Koresh's legal wife Rachel and the daughter of lifelong Branch Davidians Perry and Mary Belle Jones. Koresh allegedly had sex with Michelle when she was thirteen, evidently with the consent of the Joneses.[citation needed]

A six-month investigation of child abuse allegations by the Texas Child Protection Services in 1992 failed to turn up any evidence, possibly because the Branch Davidians concealed the spiritual marriage of Koresh to Michelle Jones, assigning a surrogate husband (David Thibodeau) to the girl for the sake of appearances.[19]

Regarding the allegations of child abuse, the evidence is less sure. In one widely reported incident, ex-members claimed that Koresh became irritated with the cries of his son Cyrus and spanked the child severely for several minutes on three consecutive visits to the child's bedroom. In a second report, a man involved in a custody battle visited Mount Carmel Center and claimed to have seen the beating of a young boy with a stick.[20]

Finally, the FBI's justification for forcing an end to the 51-day standoff was predicated on the charge that Koresh was abusing children inside Mount Carmel Center. In hours following the deadly conflagration, Attorney General Janet Reno told reporters that "We had specific information that babies were being beaten."[21] But FBI Director William Sessions publicly denied the charge and told reporters that they had no such information about child abuse inside Mount Carmel Center.[22] A careful examination of the other child abuse charges found the evidence to be weak and ambiguous, casting doubt on the allegations.[23]

The allegations of child abuse stem largely from detractors and ex-members.[24] The 1993 U.S. Department of Justice report cites allegations of child sexual and physicalabuse. Legal scholars point out that the ATF had no legal jurisdiction in the matter of child protection and it appears that these accounts were inserted by the ATF to inflame the case against Koresh. For example, the account of former Branch Davidian Jeannine Bunds is reproduced in the affidavit. She claimed that Koresh had fathered at least 15 children with various women and that she had personally delivered seven of these children. Bunds also claims that Koresh would annul all marriages of couples who joined the group and had exclusive sexual access to the women.[25][26]

Koresh fathered multiple children by different women in the group. His House of David doctrine was based on a purported revelation that involved the procreation of 24 children by chosen women in the community. These 24 children were to serve as the ruling elders over the millennium after the return of Christ.

In his book, James Tabor states that Koresh acknowledged on a videotape sent out of the compound during the standoff that he had fathered more than 12 children by several "wives".[27] On March 3, 1993, during negotiations to secure the release of the remaining children, Koresh advised the Negotiation Team that: "My children are different than those others", referring to his direct lineage versus those children previously released.
Guess you and I have a different understanding of what stupid is. For me, blaming the FBI for raiding the fortress of a cult leaders whose own followers said he was marrying 13 & 14 year old girls... is pretty damn stupid.
You missed the point, Einstein.
The government is not allowed to just set Americans on fire in lieu of a trial in this country.
You missed the point, Einstein.
The government is not allowed to just set Americans on fire in lieu of a trial in this country.

I'm sure that's what King David was telling himself too, as his world crumbled...

Personally I don't blame the government, I blame god. When he told DK to help young girls, the Lord should have made sure to clarify that marrying and raping 13 year olds doesn't qualify as helping them.
I'm sure that's what King David was telling himself too, as his world crumbled...

Personally I don't blame the government, I blame god. When he told DK to help young girls, the Lord should have made sure to clarify that marrying and raping 13 year olds doesn't qualify as helping them.

God didnt kill all those people.
The federal government did.

That's just a fact.
They screwed the pooch, and a lot of people died.
God didnt kill all those people.
The federal government did.

That's just a fact.
They screwed the pooch, and a lot of people died.

Actually I think you mean David Koresh's decision to use women and children as human shields killed those people. Imagine negotiating 51 days with some wackadoodle who thinks God is talking to him. All imma say is he's lucky it was Janet Reno an not me in charge because I'd have gone in a lot quicker.

I see it sort of like a police shooting. The officer says to put your hands up and you don't... well at the end of the day most of the blame is going to fall on you.
Actually I think you mean David Koresh's decision to use women and children as human shields killed those people. Imagine negotiating 51 days with some wackadoodle who thinks God is talking to him. All imma say is he's lucky it was Janet Reno an not me in charge because I'd have gone in a lot quicker.

I see it sort of like a police shooting. The officer says to put your hands up and you don't... well at the end of the day most of the blame is going to fall on you.
They went in stupidly, and caused the deaths of innocent people.
No two ways about it.