
He violated the Constitution and Bill of Rights. When a judge ordered him to stop, he persisted. Except for the action of the criminals presently occupying the White house, he would be in federal prison.
Wez, here is another lie from E-reader.
It seems your and your commie friends opinions don't really matter, especially when the most important and most powerful man in the world doesn't agree.
Acceptable to whom?
I don't know how many times "Clinton lied about sex, who cares?" was posted in the kitchen.
Look at his impeachment regarding perjury & obstruction of justice (part of why he was found in contempt of court).
Not one Democrat found him guilty of these charges. Apparently finding his behavior acceptable....
The women who accused WJC of sexual assault were attacked and/or ignored.
It's no wonder jackasses like Weinstein are able to do what they have done for decades.