
I hope he heard God correctly. These Nazi fucks definitely didn't get enough love as kids. If hugs can help, send me a line of them and I'll hug every last one while God cheers me on.
That is very nice of you, you might need to give the little fascist, Wez, a hug or 2 as well.
The Mad Hatter Is At it Again.

Frederica Wilson: “The White House itself is full of white supremacists”

Ms. Wilson, in an interview on Friday, called Mr. Kelly a liar and hinted strongly that the altercation, prompted by a call from President Trump to the widow of a fallen black soldier, was racially charged.

“The White House itself is full of white supremacists,” she said…

“They are making themselves look like fools. They have no credibility,” she said. “They are trying to assassinate my character, and they are assassinating their own because everything they say is coming out and shown to be a lie.”
SANTA ROSA (BCN)-- Sonoma County Sheriff Rob Giordano today challenged implications that a Sonoma Valley man who was arrested for arson over the weekend could be responsible for some of the fires that have been burning in the North Bay since Oct. 8.

Giordano responded to a press release issued Wednesday by Thomas Homan, the Acting Director of the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement about Jesus Fabian Gonzalez.

Giordano said the press release was "inaccurate, inflammatory and damages the relationship we have with our community."

On Sunday, the sheriff's office arrested Gonzalez, 48, for felony arson, which occurred at Maxwell Farms Regional Park in the Sonoma Valley where Gonzales was sleeping, Giordano said. Deputies recognized Gonzalez who told the deputies he lit the fire to keep warm.

Gonzalez is being held in the Sonoma County Jail under $100,000 bail on the arson charge and under $100,000 bail for a misdemeanor drug related warrant from Ventura County, Giordano said.

He was arraigned Wednesday in jail and his next court date has not been set. The Sonoma County Superior Court is closed until Monday because of the fires.

ICE sent a request on Oct. 16 to detain Gonzalez for 48 hours past his scheduled release date from the jail, but the detainer was not signed by a judge and the sheriff's office could not legally honor it, Giordano said.

ICE spokesman James Schwab said Wednesday ICE filed an administrative detainer to hold Gonzalez, but Giordano said administrative detainers are considered unreasonable search and seizure in violation of the
Fourth Amendment.

"ICE has the ability to obtain a warrant for anyone they are interested in like we do everyday in this county. If ICE obtains a warrant I can legally hold the person and would be happy to do so," Giordano said.

Gonzalez will remain in the Sonoma County Jail until his arson case is adjudicated and Ventura County will then prosecute Gonzalez, Giordano said.

In his press release, ICE Acting Director Homan said, "Once again, a non-cooperative jurisdiction has left their community vulnerable to dangerous individuals and preventable crimes."

more to read:
Cal Fire continues to probe cause of deadly wildfires despite arson arrest
  • Sonoma County Sheriff Robert Giordano said an arson suspect was seen "walking away from a small fire."
  • The 29-year-old suspect allegedly had "a fire extinguisher and a lighter with him," the sheriff said.
  • Despite the arson arrest, Cal Fire said Tuesday afternoon it continues to investigate the cause of each of the wildfires in Northern California.
  • The wildfires have claimed more than 41 lives, and many more people remain listed as missing.
Sonoma County Sheriff Robert Giordano said Tuesday an arson suspect arrested Sunday is known to local law enforcement and remains in custody.

"Our arson arrest involves someone who is known to the deputies," said Giordano. He went on to say the suspect frequents Maxwell Farms Regional Park in Sonoma and "is known to sleep there."

The wildfires now raging in Northern California have claimed at least 41 lives and are responsible for the loss of more than 5,700 structures in several counties, including Sonoma and Napa. The fires wiped out entire neighborhoods in portions of Santa Rosa, the largest city in Sonoma County.

Dozens of people remain missing, and around 200 search and rescue workers were in the field Tuesday conducting searches for more possible victims of the disaster. Authorities also said they are using drones to find hot spots still in scorched areas.

Cal Fire said "repopulations" of evacuated areas remain a "priority." Over the last 24 hours, the state agency said 13,956 homes and 36,225 people were repopulated. "That's a pretty brisk pace and about as fast as we can do it," said a Cal Fire official.

Recent reports have cited PG&E's power lines as a possible cause of some of the current wildfires.

Despite the arson arrest, Cal Fire said it continues to investigate the cause of the various fires in Northern California.

"Cal Fire investigators continue to work on cause and determination," Bret Gouvea, a Cal Fire incident commander, told reporters at a press briefing Tuesday afternoon in Sonoma County. "And they are working closely with local law enforcement on those efforts to find a cause for each one of these fires."

The arson suspect is Jesus Fabian Gonzales, 29, Sgt. Spencer Crum, a spokesman for the Sonoma County Sheriff's Office told CNBC. Crum described him as "a transient out of Sonoma" and said the suspect was "arrested for setting a small fire in a park in Sonoma on Sunday."

more to read:
there was never any doubt that an arsonist in the wine country was an undocumented mexican national. every arsonist everywhere, forever, is an undocumented mexican national.

" It's " not of Mexican Heritage.......

" It's " of Muslim origin and crossed in as a " Mexican "
SANTA ROSA (BCN)-- Sonoma County Sheriff Rob Giordano today challenged implications that a Sonoma Valley man who was arrested for arson over the weekend could be responsible for some of the fires that have been burning in the North Bay since Oct. 8.

Giordano responded to a press release issued Wednesday by Thomas Homan, the Acting Director of the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement about Jesus Fabian Gonzalez.

Giordano said the press release was "inaccurate, inflammatory and damages the relationship we have with our community."

On Sunday, the sheriff's office arrested Gonzalez, 48, for felony arson, which occurred at Maxwell Farms Regional Park in the Sonoma Valley where Gonzales was sleeping, Giordano said. Deputies recognized Gonzalez who told the deputies he lit the fire to keep warm.

Gonzalez is being held in the Sonoma County Jail under $100,000 bail on the arson charge and under $100,000 bail for a misdemeanor drug related warrant from Ventura County, Giordano said.

He was arraigned Wednesday in jail and his next court date has not been set. The Sonoma County Superior Court is closed until Monday because of the fires.

ICE sent a request on Oct. 16 to detain Gonzalez for 48 hours past his scheduled release date from the jail, but the detainer was not signed by a judge and the sheriff's office could not legally honor it, Giordano said.

ICE spokesman James Schwab said Wednesday ICE filed an administrative detainer to hold Gonzalez, but Giordano said administrative detainers are considered unreasonable search and seizure in violation of the
Fourth Amendment.

"ICE has the ability to obtain a warrant for anyone they are interested in like we do everyday in this county. If ICE obtains a warrant I can legally hold the person and would be happy to do so," Giordano said.

Gonzalez will remain in the Sonoma County Jail until his arson case is adjudicated and Ventura County will then prosecute Gonzalez, Giordano said.

In his press release, ICE Acting Director Homan said, "Once again, a non-cooperative jurisdiction has left their community vulnerable to dangerous individuals and preventable crimes."

more to read:

That guy is a fall guy to placate the public....

How does one small fire spread to 3 + plus densely populated locations
( Hundreds of miles from each other ) at approximately the same time
between 9pm and 10:30pm on a Sunday night....?
And then spread to 15 + locations after that !

I'll tell you how.... deliberate Arson ( Terrorism ) and not the Homeless kind !
The Mad Hatter Is At it Again.

Frederica Wilson: “The White House itself is full of white supremacists”

Ms. Wilson, in an interview on Friday, called Mr. Kelly a liar and hinted strongly that the altercation, prompted by a call from President Trump to the widow of a fallen black soldier, was racially charged.

“The White House itself is full of white supremacists,” she said…

“They are making themselves look like fools. They have no credibility,” she said. “They are trying to assassinate my character, and they are assassinating their own because everything they say is coming out and shown to be a lie.”
Problem is that, on the phone call issue, she has the truth on her side...and is therefore winning the debate with the White House. Kelly should stop talking about it.
It's up to you to prove they are false, e-reader and wez failed miserably, your turn union boy.
You are the one quoting numbers . . . but why would anyone try to extract any sense or personal responsibility from one who, not only admits to being a Trump supporter, but actually attempts to help cover his tracks.
Problem is that, on the phone call issue, she has the truth on her side...and is therefore winning the debate with the White House. Kelly should stop talking about it.

That's a Lie Jackass.

She has NO truth on her side, the lot of them in the Limo with the exception of the Master Sargent
deliberately ( or out of pure ignorance ) took the call and words way out of context.

She's trying to stir up Racial Tensions, look where her district is and who she associates with !
Debbie Wasserman Schultz's district is damn near next door. Corruption abounds, and I would
not put it past her setting up this scenario in advance with HRC to add further cover for the Crimes
HRC is up against...
That's a Lie Jackass.

She has NO truth on her side, the lot of them in the Limo with the exception of the Master Sargent
deliberately ( or out of pure ignorance ) took the call and words way out of context.

She's trying to stir up Racial Tensions, look where her district is and who she associates with !
Debbie Wasserman Schultz's district is damn near next door. Corruption abounds, and I would
not put it past her setting up this scenario in advance with HRC to add further cover for the Crimes
HRC is up against...
My favorite thing about your inane fictional diatribe was seeing an "agree" mark from some other dumbass underneath it. LOL.
US citizens never do things like that! Only the illegal aliens! What are the percentages of crime concerning illegal aliens vs US citizens? We have the more of our own people incarcerated than any other country by far.

Hmmm, highest percentage incarcerated, most violent crimes, most gun deaths . . . we certainly are a violent, criminal society!