
Stereotyping and profiling works.

Throw out the Constitution when conveniant, SOP for a nutter. It's fine if a few US Citizens get rousted if it leads to a few Illegal Mexicans getting caught.
Who gives a shit, our country was a little safer from what Arpaio did. Just say thank you and STFU.
You would side with illegal aliens over our own people, you are pathetic.
See. Here's a fine example of assorted opinions. With the added spice of ad hominem insults. A textbook post devoid of facts, be they accurate or otherwise.
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Throw out the Constitution when conveniant, SOP for a nutter. It's fine if a few US Citizens get rousted if it leads to a few Illegal Mexicans getting caught.
Obama trashed the Constitution and they wiped his ass with it, where were you then?
Speaking of Un-American.
Yes, illegal alien criminals are very unfortunate American, that's why sheriff Joe did what he had to. The un American president at the time sure wasn't going to do anything. Is a president allowed to only enforce the laws he agrees with, like the Kenyan did?
Throw out the Constitution when conveniant, SOP for a nutter. It's fine if a few US Citizens get rousted if it leads to a few Illegal Mexicans getting caught.
Stop and frisk everyone that looks like they don't belong because they probably don't.
Who gives a shit, our country was a little safer from what Arpaio did. Just say thank you and STFU.
You would side with illegal aliens over our own people, you are pathetic.

The Constitution and Bill of Rights were written and enacted to protect us from abuses of government.
Pretty tough qualifier for the lefty kooks in here.
Why not identify who you believe are "lefty kooks" and ask their opinions on what acts Simpson was responsible for taking, and how each would dispense consequences for such acts?

My opinion is he butchered his ex wife, who he systemically battered for years. He butchered her friend. He should have been convicted and the DA should have sought and obtained the death penalty as the punishment. The primary actor that allowed that trial to devolve into a circus was Ito. Ito should have recused his assignment to the case when he saw his wife listed as a potential witness in her role as Fuhrman's supervising officer.

The finding of liability on the civil case was likely no more or less than an appeal court might have reduced if far greater than it was, but not so small it did not represent a measure of deterrence.

Florida should not have a homestead law that shielded him from judgment creditors seeking his real property interest. The NFL pension should not be legally exempt from creditors either.

Nevada threw the book at him for a ridiculous and stupid act. And I'm glad he got a long sentence. I wished he was butchered in prison, and if not, was never paroled. I don't like the apparent fact the Nevada Governor has no power to stop a parole board release.