
So the problem is whitey, those pasty whit libs, Wez, Husker, Andy, Fries , T and Xav 5 1/2 that are doing all the blaming , bitching and moaning.
Get a fucking life and mind your business.

Survey: Most minorities not offended by ‘microaggressions’
John Sexton Oct 18, 2017 5:01 PM

“huge majorities of African Americans and Latinos say…those very same statements are ‘not offensive.'”

You clearly dream about us at night.
You elitist libs think you know how the oppressed, poor minorities think and feel, but you don't have any idea, you just use them for political gain.
Is wez running for office? Was he the one who told, "the blacks" about the hell they live in and how he alone can fix it? How's that going?
Is wez running for office? Was he the one who told, "the blacks" about the hell they live in and how he alone can fix it? How's that going?
He definitely will do a better job than Obama did for the black community.
Obama just kept buying and bribing them for their votes, did you here that lady saying Obama was gonna pay her mortgage? Poor fools taken in by a smooth talker, did nothing for his people.
I think lil' joe and nono are on that story . . . something they tweeted then sited the tweet as evidence (reminiscent of Dick Cheney).
I see. It's their investigation, in conjunction with those clerks who operate RedState.com for the media conglomerate that owns it.
I think you people will know sooner or later whats up.
Whether you continue your denial or not is a personal matter.
A. I agree. B. What denial? HRC has been investigated up the wazoo and you folks are in denial that she's been cleared a million times. When Trump and Co are cleared, I will acknowledge that he's an asshole but not a crook.
So the problem is whitey, those pasty whit libs, Wez, Husker, Andy, Fries , T and Xav 5 1/2 that are doing all the blaming , bitching and moaning.
Get a fucking life and mind your business.

Survey: Most minorities not offended by ‘microaggressions’
John Sexton Oct 18, 2017 5:01 PM

“huge majorities of African Americans and Latinos say…those very same statements are ‘not offensive.'”

Those six " Men " ain't got the balls to call out the Truth.

Each one a pussy in his own right.
A. I agree. B. What denial? HRC has been investigated up the wazoo and you folks are in denial that she's been cleared a million times. When Trump and Co are cleared, I will acknowledge that he's an asshole but not a crook.

Trump U proves what a scumbag crook he is.
Trump U proves what a scumbag crook he is.
He did scam people to pay for that "college" and he did get tagged to the tune of $25m for his wrongdoing, but I don't think a conviction was attached. Guys on here only wish they could scam folks like their wondrous rich leader does.
He did scam people to pay for that "college" and he did get tagged to the tune of $25m for his wrongdoing, but I don't think a conviction was attached. Guys on here only wish they could scam folks like their wondrous rich leader does.

No...he didn't scam.

That was HRC and her cohort WJC....I think that was Arkansas ....yeah I'm quite sure.
He did scam people to pay for that "college" and he did get tagged to the tune of $25m for his wrongdoing, but I don't think a conviction was attached. Guys on here only wish they could scam folks like their wondrous rich leader does.

It was a settlement, for the crook who never settles.
He did scam people to pay for that "college" and he did get tagged to the tune of $25m for his wrongdoing, but I don't think a conviction was attached. Guys on here only wish they could scam folks like their wondrous rich leader does.
They are so like Trump in many ways and simply wish they could be the entire package (or lack thereof in Trump's case).