First of all, I have guns, I grew up with guns in our home, so my kids were taught gun safety.
Part of that safety is if they come across a gun not to touch it and to tell an adult about it.
They were taught that guns are not toys & to respect the power that a gun has.
They were taught to consider every gun loaded and never point it at anyone unless they planned to shot that someone.
I never asked anyone if they had guns in their home.
They were taught when learning to drive that driving a car has a responsibility not to be taken lightly.
I don't worry about my dd's when they are out and about in a car.
I worry about drunks or some pin head not paying attention & running a light or stop sign.
With the number of guns out there, chances are kids will come in contact or sight of a gun. They should know gun safety rules.
My youngest dd asked me if she could go hunting with me.
I said sure. But to get a license she had to take a hunters/gun safety class.
She did, she loved it and she's ready to go.
I'll keep my eye on her when we are out with the weapons and continue to instruct her & instill gun safety & hunting preparations
I kept my eye on her when she played soccer, making sure she was prepared and was as safe as she could be.
That's all a parent can do.