
I pay more because I'm not a cheap greedy fuck like these new-fangled Republicans who worry about everybody else "taking" from their rich asses. And concern themselves with issues such as whether a huge corporation should be forced to pay employees a measly $15/hour (about $30K/year) to do business in Cali. I have good people and pretty much zero turnover. Do I make less as a result? Probably, but the customer is well served and the business is incredibly stable.
Why stop at 15?
Read it and weep, tightwad.
Republicans Most Generous People In The World, Democrats: Not So ...
Because one has been with me 20 years and is far more senior than the rest. 2 are clerical so they're paid less. I'm into meritocracy...not like our German President or the last GOP silver spooner we had.
Why did you skip the stuttering Kenyan? He couldn't hold a private sector job to save his life, he is the ultimate spoonie.
No, I mean idiots, like most of you knuckle-dragging townhall.com-reading ignoramuses on here, who think the 2nd Amendment is to protect us from tyrannical rule...like the kind that Levin talks about or the ballpark shooter? That kind of tyranny, right?
Daffy is that you masquerading as Thurston Howell III ?
Good god lovey, I forgot what a pompous ass you can be....
I pay more because I'm not a cheap greedy fuck like these new-fangled Republicans who worry about everybody else "taking" from their rich asses. And concern themselves with issues such as whether a huge corporation should be forced to pay employees a measly $15/hour (about $30K/year) to do business in Cali. I have good people and pretty much zero turnover. Do I make less as a result? Probably, but the customer is well served and the business is incredibly stable.
It's great that your "business is incredibly stable".
It's a wonder as you seem to be over caffeinated, over opinionated and way out over your fricken ski's
So how many folks do you employee Thurston?
McEnroe: No, I’m not going to apologize to Serena Williams
Ed Morrissey Jun 27, 2017 6:01 PM
Top Pick

“It was not necessary.”

Give John McEnroe credit for unintentional grandmaster trolling this week — and for sticking to his guns, advisedly or not. The former number-one men’s tennis player bluntly responded “no” when the CBS This Morning panel asked him if he wanted to apologize to Serena Williams for remarks he made during an NPR interview, in which he speculated that the current top female player would rank “around 700” on the men’s circuit. On tour to promote a new book, McEnroe pointed out that his autobiography never brings up the topic, and that he was only guilty of an honest response to an off-topic question:

The hosts seemed aghast at McEnroe’s lack of remorse, although he did say that the exchange was “not necessary,” and that he’d rather talk about the book. (Even so, the panel kept at this topic for half of the segment.) A look at the NPR transcript shows that McEnroe has a point, and that Lulu Garcia-Navarro went out of her way to make a mountain out of a mundane observation:

Garcia-Navarro: We’re talking about male players but there is of course wonderful female players. Let’s talk about Serena Williams. You say she is the best female player in the world in the book.

McEnroe: Best female player ever — no question.

Garcia-Navarro: Some wouldn’t qualify it, some would say she’s the best player in the world. Why qualify it?

McEnroe: Oh! Uh, she’s not, you mean, the best player in the world, period?

Garcia-Navarro: Yeah, the best tennis player in the world. You know, why say female player?

McEnroe: Well because if she was in, if she played the men’s circuit she’d be like 700 in the world.

Garcia-Navarro: You think so?

McEnroe: Yeah. That doesn’t mean I don’t think Serena is an incredible player. I do, but the reality of what would happen would be I think something that perhaps it’d be a little higher, perhaps it’d be a little lower. And on a given day, Serena could beat some players. I believe because she’s so incredibly strong mentally that she could overcome some situations where players would choke ’cause she’s been in it so many times, so many situations at Wimbledon, The U.S. Open, etc. But if she had to just play the circuit — the men’s circuit — that would be an entirely different story.
Sarah Palin slaps the New York Times with a lawsuit – here’s why

She's still got it.


Sarah Palin is suing the New York Times for an editorial where they claimed she was the cause of the terrible shooting of then-Congresswoman Gabby Giffords by deranged gunman Jared Loughner. ( JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is suing the New York Times over an editorial that cause an online furor for suggesting that she was responsible for Jared Loughner attacking then-Congresswoman Gabby Giffords in 2011.

In the stunning opinion piece from the New York Times editorial board, they said the crazed gunman Jared Loughner was influenced by a map with gun crosshairs above electoral districts.

“In 2011, when Jared Lee Loughner opened fire in a supermarket parking lot,” it read, “grievously wounding Representative Gabby Giffords and killing six people, including a 9-year-old girl, the link to political incitement was clear. Before the shooting, Sarah Palin’s political action committee circulated a map of targeted electoral districts that put Ms. Giffords and 19 other Democrats under stylized crosshairs.”

Contrary to their statement, there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that Loughner ever saw that map, or that he was motivated by any political animus at all. He had become obsessed with Giffords long before the map was distributed, and he was found to be impaired by severe mental illness.

The New York Times later apologized and corrected the piece, but not before Palin took notice and lambasted them on her Facebook page.

“With this sickening NYT’s editorial, the media is doing exactly what I said yesterday should not be done,” she wrote. “Despite commenting as graciously as I could on media coverage of yesterday’s shooting, alas, today a perversely biased media’s knee-jerk blame game is attempting to destroy innocent people with lies and more fake news.”

“As I said yesterday,” she continued, “I’d hoped the media had collectively matured since the last attack on a Representative when media coverage spewed blatant lies about who was to blame. There’s been no improvement. The NYT has gotten worse.”

CNN’s Jake Tapper posted the first page of the complaint against New York Times that accused the newspaper of defamation.
Apparently they're looking at Bernie too...

Beyond the glare, federal investigators and FBI agents started to pull apart the $10 million financial arrangement. They showed up at Burlington College to sift through hard drives, audit reports and spreadsheets. They began to interview donors, board members and past president Carol Moore. “I was contacted and spoke with an FBI agent numerous times last spring, again last summer,” Moore told Vermont Public Radio in May 2017, “and recently, maybe a month ago.”

A second letter to federal prosecutors in early 2016 alleged that Senator Sanders’ office had pressured the bank to approve the loan application submitted by Jane Sanders. “Improper pressure by a United States Senator is a serious ethical violation,” the letter asserted.
So they are afraid of Bernie so the go after his wife . . . just shows that Republicans go for the jugular. I wish Democrats were so cut throat, they are just too nice.
Wonder if the kiosks get $15.00 an hour?
McDonald's hits all-time high as Wall Street cheers replacement of cashiers with kiosks Tuesday, 20 Jun 2017 | 1:45 PM ET | 00:39
McDonald's shares hit an all-time high on Tuesday as Wall Street expects sales to increase from new digital ordering kiosks that will replace cashiers in 2,500 restaurants.

Cowen raised its rating on McDonald's shares to outperform from market perform because of the technology upgrades, which are slated for the fast-food chain's restaurants this year.

McDonald's shares rallied 26 percent this year through Monday compared to the S&P 500's 10 percent return.
When will the customer base dry up due to automation, perennial low wages and the lack of jobs that will entail?
No it doesn't...
When Seattle officials voted three years ago to incrementally boost the city's minimum wage up to $15 an hour, they'd hoped to improve the lives of low-income workers. Yet according to a major new study that could force economists to reassess past research on the issue, the hike has had the opposite effect.

The city is gradually increasing the hourly minimum to $15 over several years. Already, though, some employers have not been able to afford the increased minimums. They've cut their payrolls, putting off new hiring, reducing hours or letting their workers go, the study found.

The costs to low-wage workers in Seattle outweighed the benefits by a ratio of three to one, according to the study, conducted by a group of economists at the University of Washington who were commissioned by the city. The study, published as a working paper Monday by the National Bureau of Economic Research, has not yet been peer reviewed.

On the whole, the study estimates, the average low-wage worker in the city lost $125 a month because of the hike in the minimum.

The paper's conclusions contradict years of research on the minimum wage. Many past studies, by contrast, have found that the benefits of increases for low-wage workers exceed the costs in terms of reduced employment -- often by a factor of four or five to one.

"This strikes me as a study that is likely to influence people," said David Autor, an economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who was not involved in the research. He called the work "very credible" and "sufficiently compelling in its design and statistical power that it can change minds."
Seems the "major new study" has a biased agenda.

Bull shit. Nobody that pays their employees that much money would post such nonsense
Trying to position yourself as some kind of advice guru, once again? The fact you did poorly (as you stated) during the last 8 years while the market soared should have put the brakes on that idea.
A livable minimum wage?
$10.00 an hour goes a lot further in Oklahoma than it does in California.
Counter work at a fast food establishment is a mindless, no experience necessary job.
The cost of your Happy Meal will sky rocket...
Entry level jobs that a kiosk can perform says it all. You better come up with a better plan for your future.
Entry level jobs are there to train people how to work, show up on time, take the initiative, interact with others, etc.
If workers don't like the wages they are making at Mickey D's, they too can, will and should go elsewhere.
Fast food as we know it needs to disappear and be replaced by actual, real food, not food "products". I don't understand why anyone would eat that crap. Where's What is up? He use to brag about his dollar menu escapades. Hope he didn't keel over from clogged arteries.