
So they are afraid of Bernie so the go after his wife . . . just shows that Republicans go for the jugular. I wish Democrats were so cut throat, they are just too nice.
Yeah... we all know how partisan the FBI is.....
Cut throat? See Debbie Wasserman Shultz & Donna Brazile along with many in the DNC...geezzzuss
Fast food as we know it needs to disappear and be replaced by actual, real food, not food "products". I don't understand why anyone would eat that crap. Where's What is up? He use to brag about his dollar menu escapades. Hope he didn't keel over from clogged arteries.
Can't argue the merits so just start rambling about how bad the menu is.....
It's great that your "business is incredibly stable".
It's a wonder as you seem to be over caffeinated, over opinionated and way out over your fricken ski's
So how many folks do you employee Thurston?
My God man have some self respect, get up off the floor and wipe those tears away. You whine like a little baby when you see something you can't refute and realize how foolish it makes you look in your partisan haze.
Can't argue the merits so just start rambling about how bad the menu is.....
No, I honestly think fast food is damaging our society and adding billions to healthcare costs.

Why Does Fast Food Get Such a Bad Rap?

Fast food tends to be high in calories, fat and sodium, all of which can contribute to obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Many fast food places still use trans fat in their foods, although it has been banned in a number of places across the country. Consumption of trans fat can raise bad cholesterol levels while lowering good cholesterol levels.

The Industry Sees the Need for Change
Most fast food chains now offer nutrition information for their offerings and guides to making healthier food choices. Organic and natural options have appeared on some menus, and several chains offering natural and organic fast food meals have sprouted up around the country.


My God man have some self respect, get up off the floor and wipe those tears away. You whine like a little baby when you see something you can't refute and realize how foolish it makes you look in your partisan haze.
I wasn't attempting to refute anything Einstein.
Your alter ego Thurston Howell III is almost as big a buffoon as you.
You eat this nonsense up like a pig eating slop...Ramble On Daffy!
I wasn't attempting to refute anything Einstein.
Because you can't, never can, you just say shit with no backing, does it make you feel good to be an unapologetic asshole? Is that how you get your kicks? Do you tell others, "Hey, I play an asshole on a kids soccer site forum! Ain't that cool?"
No, I honestly think fast food is damaging our society.
Okay that's fine, I build dialysis clinics all over the country, it's my understanding that fast food and soda pop are killing people.
Were we not talking about $15.00 minimum wage for counter help, be it MickyD's, or Taco Bell ?
Does the minimum wage help those minimally skilled get hired or hinder that process?
Perhaps we can have a conversation about what's more dangerous, a gun in the home or Happy Meals?
Because you can't, never can, you just say shit with no backing, does it make you feel good to be an unapologetic asshole? Is that how you get your kicks? Do you tell others, "Hey, I play an asshole on a kids soccer site forum! Ain't that cool?"
Ramble boy ramble...."Hey I deal with rambling assholes on a soccer blo..."
Daffy, there are no kids on this blog...you should be glad for that. They'd school your sorry ass too.
Yeah... we all know how partisan the FBI is.....
Cut throat? See Debbie Wasserman Shultz & Donna Brazile along with many in the DNC...geezzzuss
And? There you go just throwing things out there that maybe fellow nutters know just by using the code words, but I don't listen? Read? From the sources you and yours never want to disclose . . . except lil 'joe, gotta admit he isn't shy about flaunting the insanity sites in gets his entertainment from.
Ramble boy ramble...."Hey I deal with rambling assholes on a soccer blo..."
Daffy, there are no kids on this blog...you should be glad for that. They'd school your sorry ass too.
Ahh, you're just a bitter, disgruntled, scared old fart that feels victimized by "Liberals". You'll be OK, come on out of the bunker, your "safe space" or whatever you call it. People are generally good people no matter what you think.
I get all my info from Downtrend.com. That's why I'm smart, but incredibly ill-informed. Dude, wake up and read facts presented to you from legitimate sources. Ya' know, like that book learnin' and stuff that we respected back when America was great and before we turned into a nation of dumbshits who don't know anything.
From 65K to 300K. i'm talking about common sense, not "studies." a person needs to make a living wage when they work for you full time. if you can't pay them, then you're a loser at operating your business, you should downsize or go work for someone else. so the question is, how much is that wage? it ain't much less than $15, if at all.

You do not own/run a business from what I see in the post.....

First off No business owner would stipulate what you've just posted.

Secondly, any business owner will state that to operate properly you must first consider Profit and Loss.
Expenditures ( Employee costs are the first and primary consideration ), a true Business owner will
pay his employees a fair wage....but only as much as he absolutely has too..
You have presented an employee based argument for wages you deem fair, not from the employers

Why would you arbitrarily list $ 65,000 to $ 300,000 and in the same paragraph list $ 15.00 as a base wage ?

$ 15.00 an hour is approximately $ 28,800 a year gross.. barely enough to reside on.
$ 65,000 a year is approximately $ 33.80 an hour. Not a fantastic wage, but livable.
$ 300,000 a year is approximately $ 151.51 an hour, now that's a wage to cackle about. But you better work your
damn ass off if you want me to sign those checks.

I'm not even going to explain to you the numbers needed to pay a wage in the third tier, as you should be quite clear on
risks to gain running a Private business in California in that bracket.

If you perhaps do run a business, you need some basic counseling on numbers....

It's great that your "business is incredibly stable".
It's a wonder as you seem to be over caffeinated, over opinionated and way out over your fricken ski's
So how many folks do you employee Thurston?
Not many, just 6, plus me. Lion, it's not too late for you and Fathead Joe to educate yourself from the same sources that educated oh, I don't know, like Eisenhower and Reagan and Nixon, and come to some different opinions about things.
So if McDonald's saves money by using kiosks, those displaced workers will go someplace else, as you suggest. That's fine. But as long as McDonald's employs people full-time, they should pay them a livable minimum wage...surely you don't begrudge them making that from a huge, wealthy multi-billion dollar company like McDonald's. It's not a handout...it's minimal wages. I was in a union as a grocery store bag boy at 15, I was above minimum wage as a result...was it livable as an adult? No.

You exposed your stupidity with the above post, when you want to talk to Fishermen it's a good idea to at least
understand the tools they use to ply their trade.

A. What is a Fishing pole.
B. What is a Fish.
C. What do I need to do to make the pole and fish come together.