
It's not Bernie that is under investigation, but his wife in her role as President of a small college.
Apparently they're looking at Bernie too...

Beyond the glare, federal investigators and FBI agents started to pull apart the $10 million financial arrangement. They showed up at Burlington College to sift through hard drives, audit reports and spreadsheets. They began to interview donors, board members and past president Carol Moore. “I was contacted and spoke with an FBI agent numerous times last spring, again last summer,” Moore told Vermont Public Radio in May 2017, “and recently, maybe a month ago.”

A second letter to federal prosecutors in early 2016 alleged that Senator Sanders’ office had pressured the bank to approve the loan application submitted by Jane Sanders. “Improper pressure by a United States Senator is a serious ethical violation,” the letter asserted.
You just can't make this stuff up,
Warren: Dems should stand for socialized medicine to win back Trump voters

Ed Morrissey Jun 27, 2017 8:41 AM
Apparently they're looking at Bernie too...

Beyond the glare, federal investigators and FBI agents started to pull apart the $10 million financial arrangement. They showed up at Burlington College to sift through hard drives, audit reports and spreadsheets. They began to interview donors, board members and past president Carol Moore. “I was contacted and spoke with an FBI agent numerous times last spring, again last summer,” Moore told Vermont Public Radio in May 2017, “and recently, maybe a month ago.”

A second letter to federal prosecutors in early 2016 alleged that Senator Sanders’ office had pressured the bank to approve the loan application submitted by Jane Sanders. “Improper pressure by a United States Senator is a serious ethical violation,” the letter asserted.

That article points out that the letters in question were written by Trump's Vermont campaign manager.
This guy knows what's up, pay attention and he will educate you.

Mark Levin book condemning media, progressives, debuts No. 1...
Have you ever listened to that idiot on the radio? I swear I though it was The Onion radio hour or something and like, after about 10 minutes or so, I came to the shocking awareness that he's real...and he has fans! We really are doomed as a nation. And when you start talking about "tyranny," then geniuses like the shooter at the ballpark the other day decide that the Second Amendment gives them the right to take down our tyrannical leaders.
Have you ever listened to that idiot on the radio? I swear I though it was The Onion radio hour or something and like, after about 10 minutes or so, I came to the shocking awareness that he's real...and he has fans! We really are doomed as a nation. And when you start talking about "tyranny," then geniuses like the shooter at the ballpark the other day decide that the Second Amendment gives them the right to take down our tyrannical leaders.
You know the shooter was a lefty socialist supporter.
Typical snowflake, afraid of the truth.
You know the shooter was a lefty socialist supporter.
Typical snowflake, afraid of the truth.
I would bet that his nuttiness included a nice dose of your dim witted Second Amendment reasoning. What's a snowflake anyway? Or a cuk? I like how your frat has its own terminology. Reminds me of high school!
I would bet that his nuttiness included a nice dose of your dim witted Second Amendment reasoning. What's a snowflake anyway? Or a cuk? I like how your frat has its own terminology. Reminds me of high school!
You are a snowflake, you know what it is, delicate, safe space dweller, afraid of reality.
You think the constitution is dim witted? Not surprised, all libs are anti American.
Have you ever listened to that idiot on the radio? I swear I though it was The Onion radio hour or something and like, after about 10 minutes or so, I came to the shocking awareness that he's real...and he has fans! We really are doomed as a nation. And when you start talking about "tyranny," then geniuses like the shooter at the ballpark the other day decide that the Second Amendment gives them the right to take down our tyrannical leaders.
Have you ever listened to that idiot on the radio? I swear I though it was The Onion radio hour or something and like, after about 10 minutes or so, I came to the shocking awareness that he's real...and he has fans! We really are doomed as a nation. And when you start talking about "tyranny," then geniuses like the shooter at the ballpark the other day decide that the Second Amendment gives them the right to take down our tyrannical leaders.
Did you go to the Husker Du School of Writing?
I would bet that his nuttiness included a nice dose of your dim witted Second Amendment reasoning.
You mean this dimwitted reasoning?
In 2008 case District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court of the United States held that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects an individual’s right to bear arms for original purposes such as self-defense.