
Think about this...

They tax tobacco in hopes of discouraging it's use.

They tax gasoline in part to control its use.

They tax businesses... hmm.

It's just a thought.

Tobacco taxes help pay for the damage tobacco causes.

Gasoline taxes fund the construction, maintenance and operation of roads and bridges.

Business taxes pay a portion of the costs of keeping a society going in a manner that businesses can be profitable.
Fabio’s Advice to Americans: ‘Don’t Ever Give up Your Guns’


U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services via AP

5 May, 2017 5 May, 2017

Based on his experiences living in Europe and the “out-of-control” problems now being committed in the name of liberalism in California, model and actor Fabio warns Americans, “Don’t ever give up your guns.”
He suggests liberals have divided people and are using the split to push their freedom-crushing agenda. He said, “The current division in the country only makes politicians stronger. When people are divided, the politicians can do whatever. When people are united, that’s a dangerous thing.”

According to LifeZette, Fabio recalled arriving in America for the first time, saying, “It was like a beautiful dream. It was like paradise. I fell in love with this country.” But he has watched sweeping change occur under Democrats like Governor Jerry Brown, and he indicates that the change favors criminals while leaving police “demoralized.”

He said, “It’s a disaster. It’s an epidemic. I’ve been around the world. I’ve been to Africa. Everywhere. Downtown Los Angeles now looks like a third-world country.”

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Fabio said LA is is full of “closed-off streets and sidewalks” and also has “out-of-control” crime and homeless problems. And he warned that things are going to get worse because of Proposition 57. Fabio said that proposition was ubiquitously promoted to save money by releasing “nonviolent” criminals from prison, but he says Prop. 57 has actually resulted in a reduction in sentences for “human trafficking involving sex with minors, assault with a deadly weapon, attempting to explode a bomb in a school or hospital, discharging a firearm on school guards, failing to register as a sex offender … the list goes on and on and on.”

Fabio said, “Just look at Europe and go the opposite way. It’s as simple as that. Europe already jumped off the cliff. They are doomed.”

He added:

Don’t you ever give up your guns. If people lose that right, forget about it. Politicians — they will take everything away from you.
Tobacco taxes help pay for the damage tobacco causes.

Gasoline taxes fund the construction, maintenance and operation of roads and bridges.

Business taxes pay a portion of the costs of keeping a society going in a manner that businesses can be profitable.
Wow.. thanks for that bit of wisdom Captain Obvious.
Tobacco taxes help pay for the damage tobacco causes.

Gasoline taxes fund the construction, maintenance and operation of roads and bridges.

Business taxes pay a portion of the costs of keeping a society going in a manner that businesses can be profitable.

Item 1. ( Example of California Government Theft. )
Tobacco taxes help pay for the damage tobacco causes.
Tobacco is the biggest cause of health concerns in the United States, the Taxes that the Government generates from Cigs is stolen at a rate of
80 % plus to be used in other " Pet Projects " by Politicians.

Item 2. ( Example of California Government Theft. )
Gasoline taxes fund the construction, maintenance and operation of roads and bridges.
California raised the Taxes on Gasoline ...Not to fund infrastructure, but to become a slush fund for the bankrupt California
Pension plans that Gov Jerry Brown took off the books to hide the massive corruption involved.

Item 3. ( Example of California Government Theft. )
Business taxes pay a portion of the costs of keeping a society going in a manner that businesses can be profitable.
Business Taxes that are taken in today's California environment do absolutely nothing to better the profitability of ANY Business
that I am involved with or associated with or anyone else that I deal with in business. California is the most hostile environment
for businesses period, and if you can operate, stay sustainable and pull an honest profit you are a very good business person.
The exorbitant Taxes charged in Liberal California has/is driving businesses out of the State at such a rate that Politicians are
chewing off the arms of the very businesses that remain so as to maintain there lavish Criminal lifestyles.
It will come to an end when the citizens/business operators revolt against the Government and they cannot collect the Taxes

It Will Happen and It Will Not Be Pretty !

I'm going to demand a " Free and Equal " education for my offspring due to the Hostile environments being created on College Campuses by foreign entitieswho feel entitled to freebies due solely to the melanin content of their skin and NOT the Intellectual content they lack in their small craniums. I'll start with Janet Napolitano who has squirreled away some $ 175 Million in cash for the UC systems while demanding more....