Just an FYI - be careful using 'Politifact' as a reliable site for bi-partisan comparison. This site is maintained by the same couple (the Michealsons) that maintain Snope.com. Hardly bi-partisan. You can research to see what party they 'support'.
In fairness - here's Hillary's comparison:
Snopes is openly maintained. They don't just declare something true or false (or in between) they show the research and factual sources that led to the judgement. You didn't even get their name right - it is Mikkelson.
Politifact is a project originated by the Tampa Bay Times and maintained by them and several other cooperating newspapers. It has no connection whatsoever with Snopes or the Mikkelsons.
I don't expect you will divulge the source of your bullshit, but you should consider the fact that it has led you astray here the next time it feeds you a juicy line.