
Just an FYI - be careful using 'Politifact' as a reliable site for bi-partisan comparison. This site is maintained by the same couple (the Michealsons) that maintain Snope.com. Hardly bi-partisan. You can research to see what party they 'support'.

In fairness - here's Hillary's comparison:

Snopes is openly maintained. They don't just declare something true or false (or in between) they show the research and factual sources that led to the judgement. You didn't even get their name right - it is Mikkelson.

Politifact is a project originated by the Tampa Bay Times and maintained by them and several other cooperating newspapers. It has no connection whatsoever with Snopes or the Mikkelsons.

I don't expect you will divulge the source of your bullshit, but you should consider the fact that it has led you astray here the next time it feeds you a juicy line.
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Pat Paulson felt the same way.
He ran for President a half dozen times.
Never got much attention either.
Paulson was a professional comedian running a joke campaign.

Johnson is a private businessman and successful politician running a serious campaign.

I see you still have trouble telling fact from fiction.
I don't know that I'd say okay... so much as knowing that it's a real advantage having access to the smarter/better labor pool- then not having it. I'd even go as far as to say it should be the deciding factor when forced to choose between dumb and dumber candidates.

Or maybe I'm getting it wrong. Why don't you draw up of what you think this guy Johnson's cabinet will look like if he got elected. And write in all the best and brightest names in the Libertarian Party that will help him lead this country forward. Something tells me I'm going to find it underwhelming compared to who the Republicans or the Democrats can pull together...
Google "Gowdy is a clown" -- 187,000 results in 0.58 seconds.
"Google Hillary Clinton is a Liar"--1,820,000 in 0.49 seconds. Go on.
I'd say Gowdy is a clown because he spent 7 years on a blatantly political witch hunt and came up empty. If you're crooked, but so stupid that even with the full weight of the US government you prove simply to inept to railroad Hillary... then you're a clown in that I'm going to laugh at you.

Hillary surrounded herself with liars after marrying one. She was derelict in her duties. Being POTUS requires higher security clearances then she has ever had and Article 92 of the uniform code of military justice would clearly make her unfit to be be CINC.
Oh shoot, not year. Meant to write seven million. As in $7000000 hard earned tax dollars...

As to the FBI director. What charges did he recommend? I only ask because I'd like to know what crimes he thought had been committed before that clown Goudy comes back asking for another 7 million of those hard earned tax dollars so he can continue his investigation.

Sending 8 top secret emails and 30 plus secret e-mails through a private server makes her unfit to be CINC.
No my statement about FoxNews is based on countless hours of having watched both Fox and MSNBC. FoxNews reports very little actual news compared to the time they spend on editorial and opinion content. MSNBC you can actually turn on and get some news once in awhile.

That and FoxNews lies all day long, all day, every day. They have kept the Benghazi witch hunt alive, reporting lies that have been proven wrong by several bi-partisan Congressional reports. AGW deniers giving scientifically wrong information, IRS, Benghazi, it's an avalanche of lies, constantly.

But you're ok with Trump, who is an even bigger liar?

The Benghazi reports found the same crucial lack of judgement. She is just sloppy and a liar. And she did all of this while in office supposedly working for and getting paid by the American people
The Benghazi reports found the same crucial lack of judgement.



http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf
Hillary surrounded herself with liars after marrying one. She was derelict in her duties. Being POTUS requires higher security clearances then she has ever had and Article 92 of the uniform code of military justice would clearly make her unfit to be be CINC.

If the worse you got is she's married to the guy who balanced the national budget and guided us through a major economic expansion during the 90's then so be it. If Bill could have run a third term he would have easily won. Perhaps it's asking too much, but I have similar economic expectations for Hillary. But of course talking economics is very slow reading compared to low-down character attacks.

What I do know is this. If you really thought she didn't deserve a security clearance then you would have started with something better then she's married to Bill Clinton. If the Clintons get into heaven is a question for someone greater then me. But what I can say is they have a history of doing their best by America, and I find some of what's being said about their character in here to be downright shameful.
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Bruddah... did you ever stop and think just maybe the problem here isn't Hillary Clinton, but rather your irrational hatred of her is?

My hatred for poor leadership is rational. She is not worthy of leading our military or any of the other 12 agencies when she can't even lead the one she was last in charge of.
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Read finding 3 on page 15. The CIA acknowledges insufficient State Department Security. She is not fit to lead. She wants to be CINC then she better get used to taking responsibility for her screw ups.

Yet, countless GOP attacks and Congressional committees couldn't pin a damn thing on HRC....haters gonna hate.

If the worse you got is she's married to the guy who balanced the national budget and guided us through a major economic expansion during the 90's then so be it. If Bill could have run a third term he would have easily won. Perhaps it's asking too much, but I have similar economic expectations for Hillary. But of course talking economics is very slow reading compared to low-down character attacks.

What I do know is this. If you really thought she didn't deserve a security clearance then you would have started with something better then she's married to Bill Clinton. If the Clintons get into heaven is a question for someone greater then me. But what I can say is they have a history of doing their best by America, and I find some of what's being said about their character in here to be downright shameful.

Slick Willy pulled the trigger on a tax payer bail out of U.S. banks during the Tequila Crisis. Willy is no economic wizard. But like Barry he relied on tax payer bailouts to claim economic success. That's not success, that is inflation, the hidden tax. Know your economic history.
Yet, countless GOP attacks and Congressional committees couldn't pin a damn thing on HRC....haters gonna hate.
I'm not trying to pin anything on her but what is already there. Dereliction of Duty. Comey spent 10 minutes documenting what she did wrong with the e-mails and 5 minutes telling us why it's okay for her to do what she did while other government workers would be fired at the very least.
Let's use the example of Trump making claims he'll get the military to commit illegal acts if he were elected President? I have to hope he was lying.

Again... it keeps getting lost in your guys hatred of Hillary... that somehow you guys nominated Donald.
What illegal acts?
Paulson was a professional comedian running a joke campaign.

Johnson is a private businessman and successful politician running a serious campaign.

I see you still have trouble telling fact from fiction.
No shit Sherlock...I see you still have trouble with satire and humor....