Oh lord. Teachers have been doing their job - remotely - because it is feasible to do it that way. Even doctors and nurses have been working remotely from patients when it is possible. However, things like fire suppression and most health care can’t be done by zoom dumbf**k, and grocery stores need to be open because the alternative is that people starve to death, unlike if teachers teach remotely. The problem has never been teachers teaching remotely, it has always been the trumpanzee parents who keep getting on the way of it and who refuse to take responsibility for their own children.
The complete lack of brainpower by these magats is astounding. It is the reason teachers must work remotely. They’re so f**king stupid that they and their magat spawn cannot be relied upon to go back to school safely because they’re largely Covid-19 deniers and will get people killed when they don’t follow the rules. Instead, we need the vaccine to save us from these morons but, even then, we’re going to get a parade of anti-vaxxers like
@crush who thinks he’s smart although he can’t conjugate verbs and had no clue about that differences among their, there, and they’re two days after he’s patting himself in the back about finally figuring it out.