I don’t have a problem with distance/online learning in general. I have no problem taking a role in my kids education/development, etc. My issue is that the way many schools implemented online/distance learning left a lot to be desired. Much of the feedback was that some of the educators had real challenges with the technology, some mailed it in, and some were just not geared for it, classes were shorter...Just like some people can’t work from home. It’s not for everyone. The teaching profession is like any other, many great, good, and ok, some not so good or bad. I’m not banging on teachers, I believe as a group they are tremendously underpaid and under appreciated. From our experience and feedback from our kids the teaching experience was 50/50...half good, half bad. Some really struggled, and it’s not like people had much time to get comfortable, learn, and get up to speed. The biggest issue I see is that the model in these large districts is not built for online learning. Plus many rely on this system for meals and yes, care/oversight of their kids so that the parents can work.
Our kids school is private and they are doing both on-site and remote classes...full-time, option for each, and the flexibility to toggle between in person and remote...They spent the time from the original lock down to now figuring out their model, technology, and delivery. I was actually pleased with what they came up with and presented. It looks to be a better product. We shall see. TBH, if they had not we would have pulled the kids, not worth the money for a redo of March/April/May.