No Soccer - Bad / No School - Catastrophic! will knowingly vote for a racist that passed racist policies? got it.
I thought Christians believe in forgiveness. Old white people can ask for forgiveness. It’s called progress. We strive to grow and improve ourselves, dummy. Whereas trump is a proud racist and says and does racist things.
I thought Christians believe in forgiveness. Old white people can ask for forgiveness. It’s called progress. We strive to grow and improve ourselves, dummy. Whereas trump is a proud racist and says and does racist things.
We all need forgiveness. Someone is going to wipe the floor and win in a landslide come November or it could be close. Regardless if it's close or a landslide, will you swear under the good book that you will obey all the laws and rules and respect the outcome, regardless of who the winner is? I swear I will do that. The only law we will fight if it becomes a law, is injecting that Wuhan Bat Virus Vaccine. will knowingly vote for a racist that passed racist policies? got it.
It is different when your own guy votes on racists policies. You should know that. Going forward his racist policies will be more nuanced.

After all...the blm crap is blaming cops for being racists. Who generally speaking runs these police forces where these things occur? Usually Dem run cities. Cities that have been run by Dems for decades. Since they can't blame Repubs for their failures they came up with the phrase "systematic racism". That way they can avoid responsibility (hiring, policies, laws, etc.) for their decades in control AND at the same time claim to be the solution going forward.

When you are dealing with sheeple, they will buy that and happily vote for the same Dems again.

Rinse repeat.
Here's my feelings on school closures as it is a concern on the East Coast as well.

Who benefits the most from school closings?
Middle-upper class suburban families, majority is white. Parents can stay home, work, and supervise they're children to make sure they log on while being comfortable.

Who gets hurt the most?
Lower income inner-city and lower income suburban neighborhoods, majority black and latino. Unfortunately these parents cannot afford to stay home and have to make a choice. Those who go to work will likely have kids that don't attend online classes. There are also likely other reasons parents don't enforce attending schools.

This is systematic failure across the United States and a horrible idea. Why would we close schools when Walmart and Target are open? There has not been a major outbreak of those employees of note. The outbreaks have occurred where bars, clubs, and restaurants are open at full capacity as well protests.

Kids don't need to wear mask. CoVid is far less dangerous than the Flu. Teachers' should wear masks and keep hand sanitizer with them at all times. FYI, the lowest infection rates are in extended suburbs, rural areas and cities less than 100,000.
I think your analysis is superficial because poor folks were doing bad prior to covid. The poor didn’t have access to education prior to Covid. My neighborhood school has a 1 out of 10 greatschools rating and is under federal indictment for suspending black and Latino kids w/o cause.

The upcoming school year will be more demanding for high income overachieving families because now the families will have to be more hands on in their children’s education instead outsourcing to private schools and tutors.
This Stanford study reflects racial profiling. Their key was stating data showed traffic stops equaled out as it got darker and the driver couldn't be identified when pulled over.

The New Jersey study says no profiling. Their key was that no one was being arrested, just the speed of the car was being checked and who was driving was identified by camera.

How do we explain the difference? Should we even bother. What happens if we do a study on education level and criminal behavior and find out that those with college degrees or are higher educated commit less crimes.


So if racism occurs in our education system, if schools in poorer areas of the county give lesser education, then the data says more crime will occur for those individuals.

My belief, which slowly evolves as we have these discussions, is it isn't just one thing, but a accumulation of things that have lead us to where we are now. Which leads me to our topic at hand as we start remote schooling. From the reports I've read poor and minorities are worse off with home schooling. This pandemic hurts them more. Remote learning hurts them more. We need to get kids back into school and find a way to keep teachers as safe as possible.
The schools problem is hard, especially for HS. HS age kids are old enough to spread covid, so you can’t just open it all up.

High achieving kids with a single income, two parent household may end up doing just fine with learning at home. But they were never the difficult ones, on average. You can give them a copy of MacBeth on Monday and receive your paper on Friday.

The more difficult question is how to help everyone else, and how much you are willing to increase transmission as you try to do it. And do we even know the transmission rate for a room full of 17 year olds with masks?
I thought Christians believe in forgiveness. Old white people can ask for forgiveness. It’s called progress. We strive to grow and improve ourselves, dummy. Whereas trump is a proud racist and says and does racist things.
do you believe joe is being contrite? hes been a politician for decades and has made racist policies and comments up until 2 months ago maybe even more recently, i dont pay attention to him. stop apologizing for him. voting for biden is a vote for a racist.
My friend Colin, who just quit his recruiting job said the main reason he quit is because he cant find candidates to move to California to work at Sony, Space X and many others companies in Socal. Why? No school and no sports for their kids. Who the hell would move here now Dre? Come on!! Goverment and State workers are set. Less people and better highways. You must be set for the rest of your life Dre and work in public schools. My friend Bruno is under stress because he cant speak up. He worked in LAUSD in Admin and left after one year. He left because........
No. I grew homeless and poor. Also spent the way too much time in field while in the Marine Corps. If I loose it all, I’ll pitch a tent and start working on getting it back. Come on EJ. You know God is a jealous God and worshiping material things and putting them before God should be avoided. Tell Bruno to read the 23 Psalms if he needs encouragement.
It is different when your own guy votes on racists policies. You should know that. Going forward his racist policies will be more nuanced.

After all...the blm crap is blaming cops for being racists. Who generally speaking runs these police forces where these things occur? Usually Dem run cities. Cities that have been run by Dems for decades. Since they can't blame Repubs for their failures they came up with the phrase "systematic racism". That way they can avoid responsibility (hiring, policies, laws, etc.) for their decades in control AND at the same time claim to be the solution going forward.

When you are dealing with sheeple, they will buy that and happily vote for the same Dems again.

Rinse repeat.
Not as easy as that. The daytime/nighttime data on traffic stops is hard to explain in a race neutral way. If the traffic stops are purely based on driving behavior, do black drivers suddenly stop speeding at dusk?

Seems more likely that there is more to it than that.
No. I grew homeless and poor. Also spent the way too much time in field while in the Marine Corps. If I loose it all, I’ll pitch a tent and start working on getting it back. Come on EJ. You know God is a jealous God and worshiping material things and putting them before God should be avoided. Tell Bruno to read the 23 Psalms if he needs encouragement.
That sucks. That is why Bruno and my other friends help the poor and less fortunate. I would love for you to join up with us sometime. My friend Jay and his wife adopted 4 kids. I had three of them in my youth group. Super rough story about a dad that bailed and she was way over her head. Both were drug users. Heroin I think. Anyway, Jay has been a math teacher for 25 years. Two of the kids are in college and one of them is in the Navy. Team work helped. The best part Dre, mom is sober and has a relationship with all of them. Trues story!!!
I think your analysis is superficial because poor folks were doing bad prior to covid. The poor didn’t have access to education prior to Covid. My neighborhood school has a 1 out of 10 greatschools rating and is under federal indictment for suspending black and Latino kids w/o cause.

The upcoming school year will be more demanding for high income overachieving families because now the families will have to be more hands on in their children’s education instead outsourcing to private schools and tutors.

Anybody has access. It's called good parenting and not teaching kids to make an excuse.

Guess I'm on the opposite end. My DD is part of our county's magnet program for gifted kids. She is going into the 6th grade next year and has been assigned to 8th Grade AP math among other classes. No supervision was needed. We want schools to open back up because we see how other parents are raising there own kids. We want school to open back up because statistics do not show any more of a threat to kids than the Flu does.

I grew up on the poor side. I witnessed a lot of things that others do not through out my life. Good on you for military experience. I thank you for that. My issue is based on posts here, it seems you take your personal experience takes precedence over statistics which does not make it correct.
The schools problem is hard, especially for HS. HS age kids are old enough to spread covid, so you can’t just open it all up.

High achieving kids with a single income, two parent household may end up doing just fine with learning at home. But they were never the difficult ones, on average. You can give them a copy of MacBeth on Monday and receive your paper on Friday.

The more difficult question is how to help everyone else, and how much you are willing to increase transmission as you try to do it. And do we even know the transmission rate for a room full of 17 year olds with masks?

The high end competing for top 20 schools will have a tough time especially if this spills into winter (even if schools reopen 2nd quarter with no sports and distancing). Closed state kids will be at a serious disadvantage: no SAts, no sports recruitment, irregular grading policies, limited activities, no fake charities (other than raising $ or making face shields). If your route to the school is jazz band you are SOL. If your route is doing tik toks, painting or making face shields you have a path still.
It's time the men start being a real man. When a man makes excuses and passes blame as a leader, them you have no true leader.

"If Trump's government had done its job, the virus wouldn't have come here," Cuomo said Thursday on CNN. "The virus didn't come here because of anything New Yorkers did, the virus came here because the federal government missed it."

All men have messed up. Some more than others. Look at the Redskins? I told all of you to get ready to change and help the woman. Many woman are upset. Listen to them and look at their pain.
Honest answer, that’s a weak talking point. Yes, that’s his record and that’s undeniable. However, that was 40 years ago. He has evolved to the point that minorities trust him. He’s also willing to admit when he’s wrong, like he did with the China travel ban.

So are you with me on the Abbot tests and sanitizer fans?
Wake up! We all could be with you on tests, fans, and putting every teacher and kid in a bubble...the Unions wouldn't be. It's pure Dem politics, you're ignorant to think otherwise.
No. I’m saying you have adequate data. Plus, I’m too lazy to search for data that I reviewed 25 years ago in Sociology class. But, the conclusion you reached about the crime data you have is hasty, not supported by the data, and is racist because you arbitrarily conclude that “this is completely consistent with a racially disparate crime problem.” Analysis paralysis and conclusory garbage is what your conclusion consist of.
We should use data, but not focus on data. Change/revolution is driven by whether people feel they are being treated fairly. Focus on this.
I think your analysis is superficial because poor folks were doing bad prior to covid. The poor didn’t have access to education prior to Covid. My neighborhood school has a 1 out of 10 greatschools rating and is under federal indictment for suspending black and Latino kids w/o cause.

The upcoming school year will be more demanding for high income overachieving families because now the families will have to be more hands on in their children’s education instead outsourcing to private schools and tutors.

Ben Carson is arguably one of the most intelligent African Americans on Planet Earth. He came from the depths of the Detroit Ghettos in one of the worst school districts.

#No Excuses
The high end competing for top 20 schools will have a tough time especially if this spills into winter (even if schools reopen 2nd quarter with no sports and distancing). Closed state kids will be at a serious disadvantage: no SAts, no sports recruitment, irregular grading policies, limited activities, no fake charities (other than raising $ or making face shields). If your route to the school is jazz band you are SOL. If your route is doing tik toks, painting or making face shields you have a path still.
High end competing for top 20 schools have the option of taking college classes online during senior year.

It’s the next tier down that I‘d worry about. The ones who need the credential of SAT, but can’t just shrug off the extra work of adding a JC class.
Bothsides-ism on steroids. Tiki torch wielding white supremacists are not “fine people.” Calling out racists who, by definition are divisive, is not divisive. That is the argument racists and their enablers make to deflect from who is actually divisive, and also because they only like the 1st Amendment when they say hateful things, not when they ate bearing the consequences. If you want divisiveness to stop, turn over the rock and squish the little cockroaches who think that refusing to sell a cake to somene based on their sexual orientation is inclusive, that protecting monuments erected for the sole purpose of glorifying racism is inclusive, that think blaming a black woman for getting shot in her own bed by police deserved it because she knew someone who knew someone who bought drugs.

You cannot have inclusivity so long as you enable or even tolerate bigotry. Those things are incompatible. I also have one question for you. Why are you complaining about those who oppose bigotry, but said nothing about the guy who literally uses the N word here? You think that’s ok? You think everyone should let that pass?

Black people can't go 10 seconds without calling each other the N-word. How incredibly stupid is it one word can be the most offensive on the planet... yet a term of endearment between those same people? LMAO!

By the way, you still need a cake? I'll just go buy one and you can paint a mustache and crotch bulge on the bride.