More potential NCAA changes

The big difference is that whatever contracts are signed aren't binding to either party (player or coach). In the past once you signed NIL with a college other colleges could no longer recruit you.

Now a jerkoff college coach could verbally commit to a player with the intention to keep looking for better and replace them at the last minute. Leaving the player out in the cold without a team.

The other side of the coin is that players can commit speak with multiple schools playing their offers against each other all the way up to the day before attending classes in college. Leaving open a roster spot that needs to be filled last minute.

This is going to open the door for agents to get involved with players being recruited. There's too much potentially going on in the last minute for a single coach or player to be able to manage it all.
something needs to be binding. I just don't see anything not being binding until they enroll in the school.
something needs to be binding. I just don't see anything not being binding until they enroll in the school.
NCAA can't do NLI because it's anti competitive and if they kept doing it they'd likely get sued.

So instead they're going to try to do the same thing but with scholorships and NIL contracts.

Whoever picks up the NLI tourch will likely get sued.

Think about it. If you were accepted by university of xyz and university of abc you're free to choose which one you want to attend. You're even free to choose one then not show up because you're attending a different school. But somehow student athletes are different? It doesn't make sense.
NCAA can't do NLI because it's anti competitive and if they kept doing it they'd likely get sued.

So instead they're going to try to do the same thing but with scholorships and NIL contracts.

Whoever picks up the NLI tourch will likely get sued.

Think about it. If you were accepted by university of xyz and university of abc you're free to choose which one you want to attend. You're even free to choose one then not show up because you're attending a different school. But somehow student athletes are different? It doesn't make sense.
Here's something else to consider. If a player signs the new (Not NCAA) version of NLI and another coach contacts them anyway after signing trying to sway the player to their program who enforces the no contact after signing rule? NCAA is no longer in the picture. The scholorship and NIL contract is from university xyz only. University abc coach can contact players that have already signed to try and recruit them and there's nothing university xyz can do about it.
letter of intent is useless now.

College is moving towards pro style contracts. Agents legal. NIL amounts written directly into contracts. If players break those contracts then they may have to at the minimum give the money back plus any penalties.
letter of intent is useless now.

College is moving towards pro style contracts. Agents legal. NIL amounts written directly into contracts. If players break those contracts then they may have to at the minimum give the money back plus any penalties.
Right, what you're describing is the only way to make a contract work without NCAA backing it up + fining coaches for reaching out after "signing".
Right, what you're describing is the only way to make a contract work without NCAA backing it up + fining coaches for reaching out after "signing".
good point. Someone has to enforce it. I'm just saying its going to be really messed up if these kids get an agreement to go to like Stanford and then stop talking to everyone else and then a week before school starts Stanford goes oh sorry I chose someone else. I mean WTF.
good point. Someone has to enforce it. I'm just saying its going to be really messed up if these kids get an agreement to go to like Stanford and then stop talking to everyone else and then a week before school starts Stanford goes oh sorry I chose someone else. I mean WTF.
Yep, this is why I said the door for youth players being represented by agents is starting to open. An agency that represents multiple players would protect the players they represent from this type of thing happening. They'd do it by banding together with other agents and blocking that coach from making a last minute switch. Unless it's something everyone agrees with.
Yep, this is why I said the door for youth players being represented by agents is starting to open. An agency that represents multiple players would protect the players they represent from this type of thing happening. They'd do it by banding together with other agents and blocking that coach from making a last minute switch. Unless it's something everyone agrees with.
its gonna be an absolute mess. Agents are not going to represent a girls soccer player with zero money involved.
How will they get paid when the kid was not going to get paid? They get a cut of the 40% scholarship?
No, they won't get a cut of the scholoship.

They will get a cut of the revenue sharing during the time they're playing. They'll also get a cut of the player NIL money.

Representing soccer players likely won't be the most lucrative market but if you can represent large numbers of players it might make sense.
No, they won't get a cut of the scholoship.

They will get a cut of the revenue sharing during the time they're playing. They'll also get a cut of the player NIL money.

Representing soccer players likely won't be the most lucrative market but if you can represent large numbers of players it might make sense.
so then the kids will get less if someone else had to get paid. Before that someone else was getting zero. sounds like an amazing deal for the kid. like i said an absolute mess
so then the kids will get less if someone else had to get paid. Before that someone else was getting zero. sounds like an amazing deal for the kid. like i said an absolute mess
Maybe, maybe not.

Agents have an incentive to fight on behalf of the player for more $$$. If agents can represent enough players they can also push for more $$$ as a group when compared to players that aren't represented.

Would you rather get $100 with no agent representation.

Or, would to prefer $1000 with a 10% agent cut? With an agent you get $800 more than if you're unrepresented.
Maybe, maybe not.

Agents have an incentive to fight on behalf of the player for more $$$. If agents can represent enough players they can also push for more $$$ as a group when compared to players that aren't represented.

Would you rather get $100 with no agent representation.

Or, would to prefer $1000 with a 10% agent cut? With an agent you get $800 more than if you're unrepresented.
of course but I guess w e will have to see what shakes out. I just hope if the kid makes a decision they are protected.
So basically we're now saying, "so much for amateur sports." Suddenly we're back to kids being recruited and 'signed' in middle school. Putting a kid's future in the hands of an agent. Wow... that's an upgrade? I don't see it.

What was so bad that needed changing? You can protect a school and protect a kid by making things binding. Leave verbals open, if that's what needs to happen, but NLI should be binding for both player AND coach. Yes, you can be accepted into 10 different schools and not make a decision until the first day but that's not inherently right, either. When did we stop holding ourselves accountable? When did it become okay to say "yes" to a bunch of people and then not show up?
So basically we're now saying, "so much for amateur sports." Suddenly we're back to kids being recruited and 'signed' in middle school. Putting a kid's future in the hands of an agent. Wow... that's an upgrade? I don't see it.

What was so bad that needed changing? You can protect a school and protect a kid by making things binding. Leave verbals open, if that's what needs to happen, but NLI should be binding for both player AND coach. Yes, you can be accepted into 10 different schools and not make a decision until the first day but that's not inherently right, either. When did we stop holding ourselves accountable? When did it become okay to say "yes" to a bunch of people and then not show up?
College sports are moving away from the concept of Amateurism. Love or hate the change it's happening.

NCAA is losing court cases left and right eventually "student athletes" will be employees of the school and not just students that happen to play a sport. Why is this a bad thing? Being successful at sports takes all kinds of time and dedication. Just like being successful at school takes all kinds of time and dedication.

It would be great if a college player could get a free education and enough $$$ to buy a house in cash when they graduate.

Reguarding agents + youth players I agree with you it's going to cause problems. Unfortunately there's no better alternatives. At least players are getting paid.
College sports are moving away from the concept of Amateurism. Love or hate the change it's happening.

NCAA is losing court cases left and right eventually "student athletes" will be employees of the school and not just students that happen to play a sport. Why is this a bad thing? Being successful at sports takes all kinds of time and dedication. Just like being successful at school takes all kinds of time and dedication.

It would be great if a college player could get a free education and enough $$$ to buy a house in cash when they graduate.

Reguarding agents + youth players I agree with you it's going to cause problems. Unfortunately there's no better alternatives. At least players are getting paid.
I think it's a bad thing because now they're just professionals. I mean, why bother going to class at all? Just go to school online, show up for practice and get paid. College athletes are pampered already. I'd be all for giving them a stipend... some spending money and a limitless training table card. That and the occasional scholarship they get now. That's it. They're amateurs, but nothing in life is free. They aren't playing year round. To a degree, I think we'd both say they're training year round, but they're supposed to be there for an education unless you play basketball at Kentucky. Giving agents access completely undoes moving the "verbal" process away from middle schools. Back to square 1. What changed? If anything, young kids will be MORE victimized. And I thought there was already a problem with too many kids going to college just for the sport.

Being a college athlete is a privilege. Yes, we've all been made aware of work it takes to get and stay there, but that's life. Most kids I know are working at Chipotle while mine is training. Same deal. If you're upset the schools are making so much money and hardly anything is going to the student athletes, I'd argue that. Schools offer these athletes a lot and, frankly, it's mostly football and some basketball teams making money.
Maybe, maybe not.

Agents have an incentive to fight on behalf of the player for more $$$. If agents can represent enough players they can also push for more $$$ as a group when compared to players that aren't represented.

Would you rather get $100 with no agent representation.

Or, would to prefer $1000 with a 10% agent cut? With an agent you get $800 more than if you're unrepresented.
Where do you think all this money is going to come from? College soccer isn't profitable now and still won't be after these changes.

There are already "consultants" who help players with recruitment but it's just another thing that parents are paying for.
Where do you think all this money is going to come from? College soccer isn't profitable now and still won't be after these changes.

There are already "consultants" who help players with recruitment but it's just another thing that parents are paying for.
Players and parents will quickly figure out which schools are willing to put up $$$ for top talent.

The new NLI process has all the $$$ numbers up front in the contract players sign.

If colleges want to win at whatever sport they're going to need to pay. Or someone else will.