The tiers problem is hard for AYSO to fix.Part of the reason club ball exploded though was because of the numerous deficiencies in AYSO and other rec problems. One, as you correctly point out, is the lack of knowledge by coaches. That will be corrected over time as our kids have kids and coach rec programs. But my kids first coach on their first training session spent the time teaching them how on the whistle they should line up in a proper 3 point tackling stance and rush over the "line of scrimmage" to attack the ball.
Another problem though is the system is not tiered. When I was growing up, the future pro was expected to play on the same team as the handicapped kid. That was bad for the future pro (because if no one can pass you the ball you don't develop). It was also bad for the handicapped kid (because kids are smart, they want to win, they know who will lose the ball, so they don't pass to that kid, and that kid feels really bad about it and doesn't want to play). AYSO has become more tiered with Extras, AllStars/Select, and VIP, but it's still not a true tiered system like they have in the UK or Spanish rec. Reason my younger hopped to club was because he wanted to keep playing, he asked all his AYSO teammates to train but we got responses from no thanks we're doing other sports, or no thanks we have Disneyland annual passes and need to get back there. We had Disneyland annual passes too, but by then the kids had outgrown them and wanted to do other things.
Until they fix the tier problem, AYSO will still have issues. It's gotten better with the additional level creations, but even those are miered in a mixture of politics, volunteer credits, and the hunt for fast kids (instead of soccer players).
Some of the people who run the divisions are used to their kid being the big fish in a small pond. They like watching their kid score 40 goals a season before he goes off to select.
Go to a tiered system, and that same boy gets the ball stripped 4 times in a row, because his opponent is just as good.
There’s also a coaching shortage problem. On average, the sons of coaches are more likely to be put in a higher tier. Once 14 out of 20 coaches are in the upper tiers, who is left to coach your lower tier?