I will say this. SC del Sol 07s have dominated SW GA conf didn't lose a game last year. Winning league games 4-0, 9-0, 13-0. They played at a showcase at Silverlakes against SW ECNL and lost every game to mid table teams and an 08 team. In the SW ... GA isn't close to ECNL.
This is one of the tournaments were they mixed GA and ECNL on the girls side. Scores speak for them selves
Link to described bracket
Yes, that particular tournament seems to show what you're suggesting, but not sure that is in conflict with any other belief of rankings/strength, right? SC Del Sol are 42nd in the country, with a 47.85. The 2008 team they lost to is the #4 best team in the country, #1 in state. The Eagles 07 show #43 nationally, with a 47.84, so the likelihood is it would be a close game, but Eagles ended up taking it. Slammers are #23 in the country (48.41), and would be expected to end up on top. As far as I can tell, the top-rated AZ GA team (SC Del Sol) would be expected to show mid-pack or slightly lower in SC ECNL; that's the prediction, and that was borne out in the showcase.
The comparing league to league metrics are a challenge - not because the math is impossible, but you need to define what would be a proper comparison. Comparing best teams vs best teams? Average strength of all teams vs average strength of teams? Average strength if you drop the outliers on the top and the bottom? Comparing a specific team vs. another specific team doesn't leave nearly as much wiggle room to define terms. The footnote in one of the images earlier in the thread says it all, in that the best teams from "lower" brackets can sometimes compete well into the higher brackets. In addition, some of the lowest teams in the highest brackets, might fall towards the bottom of the table even if they were placed into a lower bracket.
I appreciate Mark posting up those league comparison numbers, but I would be curious if he could share just a little of the metrics he used. The FAQ in SR goes into pretty deep detail about the formulas used for Club Rating, etc; so he is generally comfortable in sharing his thinking on these.