Girls Development Academy

A lot of assumptions are being made here.

My kid can play DA but she won't be. In her place will be a girl who is not as good but willing to pay.

Boy, talk about assumptions and an ego! There is always someone better around the corner and down the street.

So what do you have now? A watered down GDA and ECNL. New league same issues.

Guess what, it won't be up to you. It won't even be up to the clubs in Southern CA. If the rest of the country (62 clubs) treat the DA as the top league, then it will be the top league with the best players and there is not anything "the ECNL" or the dual DA/ECNL clubs in southern California can do about it. And after reading thru some of the forums in TX, Illinois, and the east coast, the DA is going to be a huge collector of talent.
A lot of assumptions are being made here. In theory it sounds good, but what will happen is another story.

US Soccer will in the end not contribute enough money to to make it FREE for all. The day it is free for 18 rostered players per group is the day I will stand on my feet and clap.

My kid can play DA but she won't be. In her place will be a girl who is not as good but willing to pay. So what do you have now? A watered down GDA and ECNL. New league same issues.
I highly doubt it will be free for everyone on a GDA team. It isn't 100% subsidized on the BDA and their program has been around for a decade.
I'm sorry but there will likely never be a viable non-subsidized professional women's soccer league in America. The country only gets excited every few years about girl's soccer.

Not sure I should even answer this, but it is ok to come out from under your rock. Dont be so naive, things are always evolving.
Womens soccer is still in its infancy and hasn't even exploded yet. Not sure if you read my post but the first womens world cup was in the 90s, not the 60s, 70s or 80s, the 90s, that is 25 years ago, with 12 teams. Do some research on when the mens wc started.
In the future there will be many more soccer opportunities for those females that believe and those that want them, but someone has to get us there and someone has to be first. The senior women and current up and coming players are working to create those opportunities for future players.
I trust US soccer more than you arm chair gms or parents that became "soccer/soccer system experts" through your kids.
Im glad your kids get to play amateur soccer and get either a partially free or fully funded edumication because of soccer, doesnt mean you have to be arrogant about it. In the end they are stiil playing amateur soccer just like everyone else here.
Boy, talk about assumptions and an ego! There is always someone better around the corner and down the street.

Guess what, it won't be up to you. It won't even be up to the clubs in Southern CA. If the rest of the country (62 clubs) treat the DA as the top league, then it will be the top league with the best players and there is not anything "the ECNL" or the dual DA/ECNL clubs in southern California can do about it. And after reading thru some of the forums in TX, Illinois, and the east coast, the DA is going to be a huge collector of talent.

A lot of the announced DA clubs are current ECNL clubs. The ECNL clubs already have 85-90% of the top talent nationally. So, if the top players wanted to play DA at their club they will only shift leagues.

What does dual DA/ECNL clubs have anything to do with your post?
Boy, talk about assumptions and an ego! There is always someone better around the corner and down the street.

Guess what, it won't be up to you. It won't even be up to the clubs in Southern CA. If the rest of the country (62 clubs) treat the DA as the top league, then it will be the top league with the best players and there is not anything "the ECNL" or the dual DA/ECNL clubs in southern California can do about it. And after reading thru some of the forums in TX, Illinois, and the east coast, the DA is going to be a huge collector of talent.

A collector of talent sitting on the bench. What parent wouldn't want that? (Insert sarcasm as usual) o_O. Before you insert anything about my DD she's a gk, so time has NEVER been an issue.
Not sure I should even answer this, but it is ok to come out from under your rock. Dont be so naive, things are always evolving.
Womens soccer is still in its infancy and hasn't even exploded yet. Not sure if you read my post but the first womens world cup was in the 90s, not the 60s, 70s or 80s, the 90s, that is 25 years ago, with 12 teams. Do some research on when the mens wc started.
In the future there will be many more soccer opportunities for those females that believe and those that want them, but someone has to get us there and someone has to be first. The senior women and current up and coming players are working to create those opportunities for future players.
I trust US soccer more than you arm chair gms or parents that became "soccer/soccer system experts" through your kids.
Im glad your kids get to play amateur soccer and get either a partially free or fully funded edumication because of soccer, doesnt mean you have to be arrogant about it. In the end they are stiil playing amateur soccer just like everyone else here.
You must also believe in a utopian society. If anybody wanted their DDs to play a pro sport and make millions....well girls soccer is NOT it. We all missed the boat and should have had them play TENNIS or GOLF. Both sports offer athletic college scholarhips too.
They will. USSF is kicking in 5 million dollars. After they hire all of the "soccer people" there should be plenty left over to subsidize the people who need it most....

Yes, after they hire "soccer people" there will be lots left for them to make it rain on the soccer players. Think the bs detector just started ringing in my head.
A collector of talent sitting on the bench. What parent wouldn't want that? (Insert sarcasm as usual) o_O. Before you insert anything about my DD she's a gk, so time has NEVER been an issue.

To me the biggest issue will be merging of two age groups. Are folks ready to watch their team get split apart every year as the older half of the team ages out, and a group of younger's gets added to the team? Even for goalkeepers, when they move up in age and your kid is now the younger keeper on the team, will she be okay with the real implications that this will have on play time?
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Assumptions. Less games, more practice and restrictions, with a small chance to make a YNT and really no chance to make a lot of money.

We the people will decide if it is worth it. The economics tell me it's not. Good luck to those that go. It will be a 50/50 split.
To me the biggest issue will be merging of two age groups. Are folks ready to watch their team get split apart every year as the older half of the team ages out, and a group of younger's gets added to the team? Even for goalkeepers, when they move up and are the younger keeper on the team, will they be okay with the real implications that this will have on play time?
We just did the spilt the team apart and it was exhausting to say the least. Who would be okay with not playing ?
The professional circuit in Europe and US recruit mostly from college player pool. Best option is Europe for those who won't be part of the starting 11 in NWSL. Pays better and you get some pretty great experience. Some players don't even get NT call ups until they've played pro! I agree with those who aren't sold on the idea that DA is the only route to Pro or NT. Anyone here who has a kid in the NT pool knows that there is a heavy political component to the whole process, too.
I am not for the DA. my dd is part of the ECNL and her club joined. Same coaches mean same ol stuff. So they are practicing 4 times a week. Between her 3 practices a week and work with a speed and agility coach she already practices 4 times a week. So if she makes a DA team, will she even want it? given the choice I think she would choose the ECNL team. She is a starter on her current ecnl team and plays pretty much every minute. And her team is good. Makes the Champions League every year. But please tell me what the DA is gonna do different. I have heard nothing yet. Just a power struggle. And it showed last weekend with the U17s calling a camp during the Finals. I know the Colorado coach was pissed.

The DA has obviously done nothing for the boys. ECNL should have been quicker to take away the patch from consistently under performing clubs giving it to more deserving clubs. I think the model was there but just wasn't handled right in the first place. But as long as the coaches are the same, the teams will be the same. The only ones that are thrilled about this are the non ecnl clubs that got accepted and the delusional idiots that think it will be free for their little sally. Keep dreaming you morons. For the ECNL clubs, that got accepted it changes nothing. Except with an already established league and plenty of good players left over because of the 2 year age grouping, the DA/ECNL clubs will become even richer with 2 elite leagues to play in. ECNL will become what many hoped the EGSL would become. A viable 2nd league. Many girls who are already committed to play in college will be fine with playing in the ECNL. I know mine would. By the way Caliklines, you're a kook. Remember when the 99s last played the blues the gap had widened considerably. Legends top teams couldn't compete with the top ECNL teams.
U-18 Group is weak. U-17s are the group to watch.

The U18's aren't weak. They are missing several players and are cycling lots of players in and out for looks. They will be transitioning to the U20 team in January and several players will not be missing. This team scrimmaged the U17 team and lost. However, they were up 1-0 at the half and the 2nd unit gave up 2 goals in 10 minutes to the U17 first unit and one of the goals was a pass by the 3rd keeper (her only camp ever) to one of their forwards for a tap in goal. I would watch the U18 play first before you say that because most of their players individually are superior to the U17 players. The difference is that this team is prepping for 2018 and are still working out the pool.
The professional circuit in Europe and US recruit mostly from college player pool. Best option is Europe for those who won't be part of the starting 11 in NWSL. Pays better and you get some pretty great experience. Some players don't even get NT call ups until they've played pro! I agree with those who aren't sold on the idea that DA is the only route to Pro or NT. Anyone here who has a kid in the NT pool knows that there is a heavy political component to the whole process, too.
Like Allie Long! First time she made the Sr team roster and she is 28 years old.

The ECNL girls lost to England. That's how far behind we have gotten.
Ever think maybe it's the YNT coaches fault? I will go out on a limb and post....the U20 YNT will have a difficult time winning the U20 Womens WC. Several of the top eligible college players skipped playing for the U20 YNT. 4 players from Stanford, 1 player from Duke and I think 1 from Teaxas A&M. They all didn't want to take a mandatory redshirt year to play for the U20 team.
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