Well-Known Member
A lot of assumptions are being made here.
My kid can play DA but she won't be. In her place will be a girl who is not as good but willing to pay.
Boy, talk about assumptions and an ego! There is always someone better around the corner and down the street.
So what do you have now? A watered down GDA and ECNL. New league same issues.
Guess what, it won't be up to you. It won't even be up to the clubs in Southern CA. If the rest of the country (62 clubs) treat the DA as the top league, then it will be the top league with the best players and there is not anything "the ECNL" or the dual DA/ECNL clubs in southern California can do about it. And after reading thru some of the forums in TX, Illinois, and the east coast, the DA is going to be a huge collector of talent.