TM? I knew! Here's my advice to EVERYONE. When you join a team, follow the team rules. If the coach says, "no guesting allowed" then follow the rule or go to a team that allows guesting. If a coach like Tad Bobak says, "you can guest all you want because I want the girls to play, but you can't guest when we have a game" then cool. Too many TMs and GMs get in the middle and cause gossip and headaches for the parents and their dd and ds. My sister in law told me of the one she had to deal with all year and it was a nightmare. Talk about a middleman that had an ax to grind. Why? Jealousy and envy.
"No guesting allowed" is a violation of the player's and parents' rights and probably a violation of the sanctioning organization's regulations. Slavery was outlawed in this country after the Civil War -- the coach does not own the player despite any asinine claim he might make. It is highly likely that the sanctioning organization created its guesting rules after listening to sound legal advice, or, in the extreme case, after losing a battle on the issue in court.