Get ready folks

I dont think verifying a student is enrolled at a certain grade in their appropriate enrollment period is hard to obtain. just make it a requirement to get from the school along with their birth certificate. I'm sure there are parents in youth soccer that will make sure nobody is forging either.

As far as the 14 month window, that's already the case for colleges recruiting kids across the country within a specific grad year. Kids from one state will be competing with kids from another state that had an earlier enrollment window for scholarships. Those crying about a 2 month variable window are really only worried about their kids spot on their youth soccer roster.

There has to be a line, and 12 months is fair. I am also fine with MLS stay in BY and ECNL goes to SY. But no waiver, no parents trying to find a loophole to their kids can be the oldest and play against other kids 13/14 months younger. If my kid has to be in the B team without a loophole, then be it. I am totally fine with it and that is what I am preparing myself for the possibility after the switch.
I dont think verifying a student is enrolled at a certain grade in their appropriate enrollment period is hard to obtain. just make it a requirement to get from the school along with their birth certificate. I'm sure there are parents in youth soccer that will make sure nobody is forging either.

As far as the 14 month window, that's already the case for colleges recruiting kids across the country within a specific grad year. Kids from one state will be competing with kids from another state that had an earlier enrollment window for scholarships. Those crying about a 2 month variable window are really only worried about their kids spot on their youth soccer roster.
I don't think asking clubs to maintain a record of birth cert and grade in school is that big of a deal either. However, it is something extra that they're not doing currently so it's an additional expense.

Also, the highest levels where players might be recruited for playing in college are the only teams where playing down a grade but being the same age as other players might occur. And this is only a 2 month window. Parents from both teams will know if anyone is cheating so it's just not likely to occur long term. (And you know as soon as someone gets caught they'll just hold their kid back a grade to make everything work.)

But you can see how this can slide into 14 month groupings. This is because someone will say let's just do 14 months instead of 12 and not even worry about what grade they're in. What's the difference? They're the same age as other kids already playing in that grouping. It's easier this way because all you need is a birth cert. The difference is that you're trying to make it so all players on the field at one time will be in the same grade in school and graduating the same year as a convience for college recruiters.
There has to be a line, and 12 months is fair. I am also fine with MLS stay in BY and ECNL goes to SY. But no waiver, no parents trying to find a loophole to their kids can be the oldest and play against other kids 13/14 months younger. If my kid has to be in the B team without a loophole, then be it. I am totally fine with it and that is what I am preparing myself for the possibility after the switch.
The "line" is what year does the player graduate high school? and are they in the appropriate grade based on their age and schools enrollment timeline. No waiver needed. Kids that enrolled later for whatever reason still have to play with the kids their age in the grade they were supposed to be enrolled in. If they become trapped because of their decision, well it was their decision.
I don't think asking clubs to maintain a record of birth cert and grade in school is that big of a deal either. However, it is something extra that they're not doing currently so it's an additional expense.

Also, the highest levels where players might be recruited for playing in college are the only teams where playing down a grade but being the same age as other players might occur. And this is only a 2 month window. Parents from both teams will know if anyone is cheating so it's just not likely to occur long term. (And you know as soon as someone gets caught they'll just hold their kid back a grade to make everything work.)

But you can see how this can slide into 14 month groupings. This is because someone will say let's just do 14 months instead of 12 and not even worry about what grade they're in. What's the difference? They're the same age as other kids already playing in that grouping. It's easier this way because all you need is a birth cert. The difference is that you're trying to make it so all players on the field at one time will be in the same grade in school and graduating the same year as a convience for college recruiters.
Parents will always ask to change things in their kids favor. They just need to pick a decision and stick with it. I just think its the most fair if we go by age and schools enrollment date. ultimately the next level is college for most players if they choose to continue and allowing them to be on the same field just makes more sense. You can always play up.
Just checking back in this thread after reading the US Soccer basically nothing will be decided until 2026-2027? Wouldn't the "flexible" option just lead to kids looking for new leagues to maximize their age advantage? I kinda wish they just rip the bandaid off and doing so it reduces confusion.
Yes. Sep 1 cut-off was apparently confirmed for USYS, USClub, and AYSO. (link)

Ya this link is about as useful as an UFO sighting fanpage. Absolutely nothing of substance or credibility. I am not sure why you would even make a post and then use this link to substantiate yourself. The last thing that came of this topic was back around the Thanksgiving holiday meeting in 2024. At that time the entire topic was officially tabled and a vote did not take place.

I would hope that if a vote did take place and the change to school year was approved, that the governing organization would give everyone at least 2 years (seasons) beyond the season that the vote takes place in, before it went into effect. This is going to place a heavy financial burden on all clubs and many may not survive the transition.
Ya this link is about as useful as an UFO sighting fanpage. Absolutely nothing of substance or credibility. I am not sure why you would even make a post and then use this link to substantiate yourself.
Our DOC was at AGM. It was confirmed that it was Sep 1. No idea why it hasn't been posted more publicly, but there you go. People can continue to believe that it isn't going to happen - unfortunately for them it already has.
Will MLS and GA also go to SY with 9/1?
No idea. IMO MLS N can probably get away with whatever the fudge they want to do with it, as integration with any other youth league doesn't really matter; it isn't a strong imperative. GA either has to choose to match their peers exactly, or set themselves even further apart as a secondary option. My take is that GA matches whatever the other major leagues will do. MLS N might still choose to as well, if they are pushing MLS2 as a bridge between all lower leagues and MLS N.