With this post, I crush officially hand the torch to @Luis Andres . You earned it brother. Be you Luis and all will go well for you, your dd, wife and anyone else that touches you with respect. Be honest and authentic. Avatars will respect you even if they agree with nothing you say. You can PM me anytime after June 5 at 5:55pm if you need advice.Eagles before Blues lol. We just had a scrimmage and I beg to differ. Just cause we haven’t been playing 11v11 but give our team a couple months until the adjustment to the big field is made. We have less than 5 11v11 games under our belt and that includes man city cup. I would say though at this moment. Surf SD is number 1 but that’s because they have more time together and have way more games playing 11v11. But wait until season starts.
P.S. I heard about the haul you guys pulled. I think Surf and Solar will give you the challenge to be #1.