From Russia With Love

Whatever portion of foreign visitors that you believe Russia spies on, do you think that t would have been in that fraction when he visited Russia?
Nice try Sunshine... you just can't get past the fact that you're wrong....again.

Hmmm...maybe GBG will like my comment so that T'd can keep running with his conspiracy theory?

You guys are so funny and desperate when your heads are handed to you..
The ABA will find the same as the FBI...nothing to the accusations...
No one is laughing at me...but they sure as hell are laughing at you...ya wife beating dweep. (Again an accusation without merit or corroboration)
By the way Magoo, do you recall swilling brew and passing out in your Navy bunk? (One more accusation without merit or corroboration)
See how easy this is Magoo...

You're doing great. Please continue.
Nice try Sunshine... you just can't get past the fact that you're wrong....again.

Hmmm...maybe GBG will like my comment so that T'd can keep running with his conspiracy theory?

You guys are so funny and desperate when your heads are handed to you..

You didn't answer the question - the question that was under discussion when you wandered off into your "hearsay" track.

Whatever portion of foreign visitors that you believe Russia spies on, do you think that t would have been in that fraction when he visited Russia?
You didn't answer the question - the question that was under discussion when you wandered off into your "hearsay" track.

Whatever portion of foreign visitors that you believe Russia spies on, do you think that t would have been in that fraction when he visited Russia?
I answered the question the first time you asked it. Not my fault you missed it...

Happy hunting Magoo...
No, I haven't. The restrictions placed on the report were so onerous that it was impossible for even all of the Senators to read it in the time allotted. Why do you suppose they did that?

Why did Feinstein sit on the accusation? Why do you suppose she did that?
You're doing great. Please continue.
Okie dokie....

'Sexual McCarthyism': Dershowitz Says Dems Set 'Terrible Precedent' With Kavanaugh Allegations
Says nominating process being 'destroyed' for future judges.

Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz warned Friday on "Fox & Friends" that the left has risked "destroying" the Supreme Court nomination process through uncorroborated sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh.

He questioned why anyone would want to go through this process in the future, noting that Kavanaugh will no longer teach at Harvard due to the unproven allegations against him.

"This kind of sexual McCarthyism is a terrible, terrible precedent," said Dershowitz, arguing that sexual assault claims should be taken seriously but a witness possibly making up a statement "out of whole cloth" must also be taken seriously.
You mean facts like wife-beating?
That's as much fact as Kavanaugh attempting rape...for you and the knuckle heads on the left it is.
You're the one that believes all one has to do is make an unsubstantiated claim & the accused is guilty....any moron can see that. Right Magoo?
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That's as much fact as Kavanaugh attempting rape...for you and the knuckle heads on the left it is.
You're the one that believes all one has to do is make an unsubstantiated claim & the accused is guilty....any moron can see that. Right Magoo?

I accept that the attempted rape is a he-said/she-said situation. However, K's lies under oath are right there for everyone to see.