Yep...uncorroborated if you prefer....Non corroborated?
Yep...uncorroborated if you prefer....Non corroborated?
Non corroborated?
Follow the bouncing magoo. Who corroborated the alleged assault? The alleged victim?
Let me ask a honest question...If you were on a jury would you convict this man based on the evidence before you?...never mind.
I was talking about the Republicans on the Judiciary Committee...fuckin Magooooooooo
The Republicans on the judiciary committee, while disagreeing with Sotomayer & Kagen never tried to destroy their reputations or drag them through the gutter.
Those Republicans then voted to confirm both of them.
If Sotomayor & Kagen had (R) at the end of their names, I'm sure they would find something "in the gutter".
They are libs, aren't they, rhetorical.As I recall, the Republicans did not let anyone say anything about Garland.
Did Sotomayor and Kagan have anything in their pasts that would have put them in the gutter?
Let me ask you an honest question - would you vote to confirm the nomination of a man who lied in his testimony at his confirmation hearing?
JC lied? What about drinking? Yearbook quotes? Drank in college? This is where were at defending allegations when your 16 years old? 18 years old? 20 years old?...with nothing but hearsay and innuendos? Guilty until proven innocent? 30+ years ago, let that sink in. 6 FBI background checks, stellar record as a judge not good enough?...please. ANY nominee would have been crucified by these zealots. Obstruct, delay is the game here.
This is disgusting as it gets for politics and you slop it up as fact. You would be much more believable if you'd at least admit this a sham, but of course that would never happen. All because your crystal ball says this man will 'personally' overturn RvW and this lone man will set back our nation 100 years. Don't you see just how absurd that is?...that was rhetorical.
You're sure?
Who?Any nominee? What about Gorsuch?
Any nominee? What about Gorsuch?
Gorsuch appointment put the number 4 v 4...why would Kavanaugh's appointment be so feared?
If the dems controlled the house and senate when Garland was nominated, he'd be a supreme right now.Any nominee? What about Gorsuch?
I think disgusted is a more appropriate description than feared. Couldn't t find someone to nominate who isn't an asshole?
If the dems controlled the house and senate when Garland was nominated, he'd be a supreme right now.
The left has used the courts, and will continue if allowed, to use them to legislate away political opposition.
Thank God (and Trump) the stopper is in the house.
That post says it all.
Thank you, gumshoe.The House has nothing to say in Supreme Court nominations.
Why do you see assholes everywhere?You agree that K is an asshole?
Why do you see assholes everywhere?
Poor baby.Why do you post untrue judgments about me?