Essential Economics for Politicians

The world’s most important jurisdiction for corporate tax planning is Delaware and it didn’t even appear on the list. Why? I have no idea.

But I can tell you that there is a single building in Delaware that is home to 285,000 companies according to a report in the New York Times.

1209 North Orange Street… It’s a humdrum office building, a low-slung affair with a faded awning and a view of a parking garage. Hardly worth a second glance. If a first one. But behind its doors is one of the most remarkable corporate collections in the world: 1209 North Orange, you see, is the legal address of no fewer than 285,000 separate businesses. Its occupants, on paper, include giants like American Airlines, Apple, Bank of America, Berkshire Hathaway, Cargill, Coca-Cola, Ford, General Electric, Google, JPMorgan Chase, and Wal-Mart. These companies do business across the nation and around the world. Here at 1209 North Orange, they simply have a dropbox. …Big corporations, small-time businesses, rogues, scoundrels and worse — all have turned up at Delaware addresses in hopes of minimizing taxes, skirting regulations, plying friendly courts or, when needed, covering their tracks. …It’s easy to set up shell companies here, no questions asked.

Most leftists get upset about Delaware, just like they get upset about BVI and the Cayman Islands.

But Oxfam’s people are either spectacularly clueless or they made some sort of bizarre political calculation to give America a free pass.
Greek Taxes Are So High That People Are Turning down Inheritances

The OECD data shows that the burden of government spending is now 53.1 percent of economic output. And the latest data from Economic Freedom of the World shows that Greece’s score has dropped to 6.93 (dropping the country to #86 in the rankings).

In other words, Greece suffered a crisis caused by too much government and too much statism and the politicians (along with outside “experts”) decided that the solution was to….drum roll, please…increase the relative size and scope of government.
Jeff Jacoby correctly and rightly slams Trump’s economically lunatic scheme to “Make America Great Again” with protectionism. A slice:

Not even Trump claims there is anything unpatriotic about selling American-made products to Mexico or China. So how can it be unpatriotic to buy products from Mexico or China? Trade is by definition a two-way proposition: Stifle imports and you stifle exports. The only way foreigners can acquire the dollars they need to purchase American goods and services is for Americans to buy their goods and services. The more we trade, the more we gain.

(To understand Trump’s ‘economics’ you need to understand only that he and his horde are mercantilists of the most simplistic, ignorant, and cartoonish sort. Eleven-year-old children of ordinary intelligence have more economic understanding than this idiot president. There is nothing subtle or nuanced or deep in Trump’s “thoughts”; he sees only that which is immediately in front of his nose, and even at that close range his vision is often distorted. If he believes even a quarter of what he says about trade, he’s a complete moron – a moron made dangerous by the power at his command and by the cheering of his deluded followers.)
Jeff Jacoby correctly and rightly slams Trump’s economically lunatic scheme to “Make America Great Again” with protectionism. A slice:

Not even Trump claims there is anything unpatriotic about selling American-made products to Mexico or China. So how can it be unpatriotic to buy products from Mexico or China? Trade is by definition a two-way proposition: Stifle imports and you stifle exports. The only way foreigners can acquire the dollars they need to purchase American goods and services is for Americans to buy their goods and services. The more we trade, the more we gain.

(To understand Trump’s ‘economics’ you need to understand only that he and his horde are mercantilists of the most simplistic, ignorant, and cartoonish sort. Eleven-year-old children of ordinary intelligence have more economic understanding than this idiot president. There is nothing subtle or nuanced or deep in Trump’s “thoughts”; he sees only that which is immediately in front of his nose, and even at that close range his vision is often distorted. If he believes even a quarter of what he says about trade, he’s a complete moron – a moron made dangerous by the power at his command and by the cheering of his deluded followers.)

My God Biz, do my eyes deceive me???? A critical post about can't be.
It was a joke, cuz a liar, thief and con man is taking office, surrounded by the richest Cabinet and Advisory team ever. Us Proletariat have no chance...

That's true sit around and bitch about it like a good peasant.
Just don't let Trumps guards catch you or it's off to the blocks for awhile.
My God Biz, do my eyes deceive me???? A critical post about can't be.
It's not your eyes that deceive you. You're lazy and missed the other 18 post. And that's just since October. At least Andy was MIA. You were too busy wallowing in defeat to accept any post on Trump, good or bad.