Essential Economics for Politicians

Not only that, if you declare to the IRS or a bankruptcy court that the house you own is not an asset, you will be subject to felony fraud indictment and prosecution.
Lets break this up because the IRS and Bankruptcy court are not the same thing.

The IRS only cares about income from your assets. Since you have no income from your "asset" the IRS is not an issue. The bankruptcy court only cares about working out issues with your creditors. But since you paid off your loan, I can't imagine that bankruptcy court would waste tax payer dollars on your debt scenario. Fraud is very hard to prove as you people know.
Lets break this up because the IRS and Bankruptcy court are not the same thing.

The IRS only cares about income from your assets. Since you have no income from your "asset" the IRS is not an issue. The bankruptcy court only cares about working out issues with your creditors. But since you paid off your loan, I can't imagine that bankruptcy court would waste tax payer dollars on your debt scenario. Fraud is very hard to prove as you people know.

There was the three-hour presentation which contended that the universe is a giant egg. There was the Manchester musician who posited that the Earth is the shape of a diamond. And another who believes that the moon is a projection.

Welcome to the Flat Earth UK Convention, a raucous departure from scientific norms where people are free to believe literally anything.

“When people ask me what I believe, I can’t say that I believe in anything 100%”, Gary John tells the audience during his opening address. “Apart from that we don’t live on a globe”
There was the three-hour presentation which contended that the universe is a giant egg. There was the Manchester musician who posited that the Earth is the shape of a diamond. And another who believes that the moon is a projection.

Welcome to the Flat Earth UK Convention, a raucous departure from scientific norms where people are free to believe literally anything.

“When people ask me what I believe, I can’t say that I believe in anything 100%”, Gary John tells the audience during his opening address. “Apart from that we don’t live on a globe”
Diamond shaped earth. No wonder you people think your home is an asset
Financial speak below:

Net Income from the home you live in/Total Avg. Assets = Return on Assets

In your case. The home that you live in.

So far, you've never disclosed your purchase price, the interest rate, and now the net income you receive from the house that you live in. Even though I've asked several times. Why is that? Are the equations to revealing for you people?

Dumbshit I’m sorry I’m still reeling from my tax bill yesterday.

More than half my net worth is tied up in non-income-producing residential real estate and yet I had to write a check to the feds alone of about half a mil in income tax. Add my state tax burden and a) feel my pain and b) remind me of how much you know and how little I know.

Now tell me about your real estate, Cubicle Boy.
Lets break this up because the IRS and Bankruptcy court are not the same thing.

The IRS only cares about income from your assets. Since you have no income from your "asset" the IRS is not an issue. The bankruptcy court only cares about working out issues with your creditors. But since you paid off your loan, I can't imagine that bankruptcy court would waste tax payer dollars on your debt scenario. Fraud is very hard to prove as you people know.
Espola is correct. In bankruptcy or tax proceedings, your home is considered an asset and subject to forfeiture (subject to certain bankruptcy chapter protections...) Liabilities aren’t subject to forfeiture. See how that works, Cubicle Boy?
Espola is correct. In bankruptcy or tax proceedings, your home is considered an asset and subject to forfeiture (subject to certain bankruptcy chapter protections...) Liabilities aren’t subject to forfeiture. See how that works, Cubicle Boy?
You're actually exactly right although you probably don't realize why. Lol! Your home, a current Liability is not subject to forfeiture because the bank has the first lien on your house via the DOT and promissary note. If the loan is paid off then you're shit out of luck with your beloved asset (Net Income/Total Average Asset = Return on Assets). Any questions?
Dumbshit I’m sorry I’m still reeling from my tax bill yesterday.

More than half my net worth is tied up in non-income-producing residential real estate and yet I had to write a check to the feds alone of about half a mil in income tax. Add my state tax burden and a) feel my pain and b) remind me of how much you know and how little I know.

Now tell me about your real estate, Cubicle Boy.
Dumbshit I’m sorry I’m still reeling from my tax bill yesterday.

More than half my net worth is tied up in non-income-producing residential real estate and yet I had to write a check to the feds alone of about half a mil in income tax. Add my state tax burden and a) feel my pain and b) remind me of how much you know and how little I know.

Now tell me about your real estate, Cubicle Boy.

Net Income from the home you live in/Total Avg. Assets = Return on Assets

or given your rant above

Net Income from your non-income producing residential RE/Total Avg. Assets = Return on Assets

At this point you should notice that your pain is attributed to the cash flowing away from your account and in to the accounts of the real asset holders. I know very little. So don't try to flatter yourself by over complicating what is a simple process. I'm enjoying your convictions about why you think your RE is an asset and yet the source of so much pain given your inability to fill the Net income part of the Return on Assets equation.

Oh and my real estate is a liability. Just like yours. But not so painful.
Dumbshit I’m sorry I’m still reeling from my tax bill yesterday.

More than half my net worth is tied up in non-income-producing residential real estate and yet I had to write a check to the feds alone of about half a mil in income tax. Add my state tax burden and a) feel my pain and b) remind me of how much you know and how little I know.

Now tell me about your real estate, Cubicle Boy.
You sound like Trump.
You know what they say about braggarts.
Net Income from the home you live in/Total Avg. Assets = Return on Assets

or given your rant above

Net Income from your non-income producing residential RE/Total Avg. Assets = Return on Assets

At this point you should notice that your pain is attributed to the cash flowing away from your account and in to the accounts of the real asset holders. I know very little. So don't try to flatter yourself by over complicating what is a simple process. I'm enjoying your convictions about why you think your RE is an asset and yet the source of so much pain given your inability to fill the Net income part of the Return on Assets equation.

Oh and my real estate is a liability. Just like yours. But not so painful.
My real estate has substantial net asset value notwithstanding hefty mortgages.
But that’s only according to banks and accountants and lenders and every single other financial expert. What we now know in this idiocracy where people like you blab disinformation on websites, is that experts don’t matter.
I’m sorry you aren’t making a nice living but then again, how could you?
You're actually exactly right although you probably don't realize why. Lol! Your home, a current Liability is not subject to forfeiture because the bank has the first lien on your house via the DOT and promissary note. If the loan is paid off then you're shit out of luck with your beloved asset (Net Income/Total Average Asset = Return on Assets). Any questions?
Are you lying, or just dumb? My house is subject to forfeiture, so why do you say it isn’t?
You didn’t know that?!
My real estate has substantial net asset value notwithstanding hefty mortgages.
Exactly. No net income. Hence the hefty mortgages. I'm happy to say you have an asset if you have a rental property that is negative cash flow. But who knows what's going on with you and your convoluted fairy tale Real Estate holding(s)