Essential Economics for Politicians

Especially if youʻre the lender. They get paid every month by the borrower who also buys default insurance (PMI) for the lender as a part of their monthly payment. Does your asset do that?

PMI is not always required.
The bank can lose money if they foreclose on a property and sell it for less than the remaining principal on the loan.
That’s why they get you to pay for their PMI so that they don’t lose money if that happens. Dude there is no way you’re a real estate guy.
Why do you lick these brief little eras when things went “off the rails?” Why would you buy a house at a 17% mortgage? Try to make sense.

We had an adjustable mortgage that got up to over 20% once. We were able to refinance after a couple of years to a loan below 10%, and an even lower rate than that when we refinanced in a deal that got some cash out of the equity. My experience from all that was that if you are holding an asset with positive equity and a good credit record then lenders will fight each other to give you money.
People buy more homes when money is cheap, less homes when money is expensive. The housing industry responds to higher interest rates by lowering home prices. Questions?
No questions. Advice. Pull your head out of your sophomoric readings and actually engage in commerce. Real estate and otherwise. You will learn much more that way.
We had an adjustable mortgage that got up to over 20% once. We were able to refinance after a couple of years to a loan below 10%, and an even lower rate than that when we refinanced in a deal that got some cash out of the equity. My experience from all that was that if you are holding an asset with positive equity and a good credit record then lenders will fight each other to give you money.
That’s the ticket! Why is it that we Dems understand how to do this and those guys don’t?
We had an adjustable mortgage that got up to over 20% once. We were able to refinance after a couple of years to a loan below 10%, and an even lower rate than that when we refinanced in a deal that got some cash out of the equity. My experience from all that was that if you are holding an asset with positive equity and a good credit record then lenders will fight each other to give you money.
That’s right. They’re always happy to ammortize another loan for you people who ignore the time value of money. The bank is in the lending business instead of the real estate business for a reason. And it’s not so you can make more money than they do. Just in case you RE gurus haven’t noticed.
That’s right. They’re always happy to ammortize another loan for you people who ignore the time value of money. The bank is in the lending business instead of the real estate business for a reason. And it’s not so you can make more money than they do. Just in case you RE gurus haven’t noticed.

Did you intend that to make sense to anyone but yourself?
I didn't get hurt jackass...
I still have my home in Camarillo that I bought in 1991
It's appraised for at least 4 times what I purchased it for...
Merry Christmas Einstein.
You mean you didn’t sell it in ‘94? I think you may have some ideas to offer to some of your cronies on here. Or maybe Iz can convince you to be a “bank” and not a homeowner. LOL
You will learn more if you do both.
Are you a bank, or a real property owner, or both? I’ve never met a guy who is an individual mortgage lender! I’ve met some bank presidents and owners, but they are not “banks.” I’m curious as to how you evaluate our choice to be a bank or a property buyer.