Espola's newest neighborhood

My wife found some of her garlic cloves were sprouting root hairs, so I put few in starter pots to see how they will do.

The owner of the place next door let me have all the seed packets his tenant abandoned on the patio - peas, beans, different kinds of carrots.

About half the garlic cloves are poking green shoots above the ground. And my wife keeps bringing things from her friend's restaurant, like purple basil shoots, hoping that dunking them in fertilized water will result in a viable plant.
You know, "You would get your ass stomped if you talked like you do in here in public." Me, not so much, people generally don't get upset about debate, it's personal attack that sets them off and that is M.O.

Nutters think their personal attacks is just them not being pussy liberals and talking non-PC and real. They tend to lose their shit when that gets thrown back in their direction.
Nutters think their personal attacks is just them not being pussy liberals and talking non-PC and real. They tend to lose their shit when that gets thrown back in their direction.
I think you're mistaken about what a liberal really is.
About half the garlic cloves are poking green shoots above the ground. And my wife keeps bringing things from her friend's restaurant, like purple basil shoots, hoping that dunking them in fertilized water will result in a viable plant.
Maybe that's what she has in store for your old ass.
Excuse from Chargers cannon operator, after he fired off a shot when Koo missed the game-ending (and -losing) field goal - "I didn't know it was loaded".