ECNL expansion 2021-2022

Not a bad thought, but Texas.
My neighbor has dual citizenship. His wife and kids are in Australia. It’s wide open. They are Americans, but lived there prior when he worked for Figi Water. They may go back on a more permanent level again, but I don’t think Red Bull will let him go.
Happy, no one agrees with you. My dd was the only one who cared about it and all the other 200,000+ customers couldnt give a rats ass about HS Soccer. GDA ring a bell? Only me and maybe a few other kids cared and I'm still being called names on here. For some reason, today I had more PMs with nasty things then ever.
I have no idea what you are talking about..
BTW, to all my dear friends. Please do not send me anymore threats or tell me my dd is in jeopardy of being recruited. First and foremost, you and your loser friends have no idea wtf your talking about. Plus, we all agree grades and school comes first. Guess what losers, she got that all covered. I love the major she has decided on and the school is called ____________________________________. You know who you are loser. I only use my words and I have never threaten anyone. I only use my words and these losers get all huffy and puffy. Use your words tough guy(s), not threats. Seriously, if anyone of you see's me at Silverlakes, Oceanside, Great Park or any field for that matter, come and say hi. If you have nothing good to say and you feel anger and rage, then please turn your ass around and get away from me. I do not need bad attitude around me. Some of you are the biggest ___________________________________I have ever met. Total_____________________________________________________. Lastly, to the one's who have been after me for four years. Checkmate!!!
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I did have 46 ask an honest question for once. She cares so much for parents and the welfare of all the young girls. Typical caring and loving TM we all have experienced. I do not take drugs. I do not drink booz. I do not do this and I dont do that. I use my brain and poke people. They hate it, especially when their up to no good. I lost 30 LBs and live off the earth and all it's good stuff. I eat veggies, fruit, nuts and water. I feel the best I have ever felt. That is the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Fact check: I do not "take" drugs. It does not mean I never have "taken" drugs and it 100% means I am open to always trying something new. I always have an open mind so my mind can be open.
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I want all of you to watch this. I dont care if you dont like me, but do me one favor. Watch this and keep an eye on all you love.

Id like to post the obvious..
6 post you wrote to yourself on a forum this morning --- starting at 5:19,5:27,5:37 ,6:20,6:38 and 6:42.
You honestly think people care but they dont man. Why do you think anyone cares , why........
You are a special type of stupid
What you should do is focus this energy on your family or career, you'd be very successful with your grit.
But instead, you become the tired old story with nothing to offer on here.
6 post you wrote to yourself on a forum this morning --- starting at 5:19,5:27,5:37 ,6:20,6:38 and 6:42.
You honestly think people care
You are a special type of stupid
You seem to care, right? You can;t say no one cares because you care. You even follow me and that's weird. You should say only I and a few rich dads who have something to hide follow me. If you ignore me TM, then you might be right.
I actually would love to get some of you in a club soccer board room and roast the hell out of each of you. Liar lair pants on fire!!!

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You seem to care, right? You can;t say no one cares because you care. You even follow me and that's weird. You should say only I and a few rich dads who have something to hide follow me. If you ignore me TM, then you might be right.

you're a special type of stupid and delusional if you think I follow you , your just in my way on a soccer forum I read while I drink my morning tea honey.

based on your post like I said before you suffer from HPD and its really sad, truly it is....

Multiple user names, irregular and scattered comments and post, you have no set path or direction in which you can profit from in these post.

You truly feel like you provide a service, but your more like a commercial for assisted living.

CNN, Comic Relief (barely) or maybe just Kramer could be your next user names , or maybe our little Jester

Only reason I reply is because I have a few more minutes of time .

Go spend some time with your family , instead of 50-100 post a day on a fucking free forum and free your mind , your not well, ask your wife ......
Go spend some time with your family , instead of 50-100 post a day on a fucking free forum and free your mind , your not well, ask your wife ......
Are you ok? Do you take drugs with your tea? Seriously, are you ok? PM me like Fact did and I will let you in on a little secret. Just for you. I cant PM Kicker because he rats me out every time. He even records my conversations at Silverlakes fields 5 years ago and remembers it like it was yesterday. What other avatars are you and lastman and probably kicker use? Be honest with the group too........ All mad at me for some reason. Now what could that be TM? Seriously, are you well?
YT, thanks for keeping me straight. I let a few avatars get to me. Tell you all what. I will leave for the day and go have some tea. You guys go ahead and get back to all that expansion talk. I say 20 teams in. Let them all play :)
Are you ok? Do you take drugs with your tea? Seriously, are you ok? PM me like Fact did and I will let you in on a little secret. Just for you. I cant PM Kicker because he rats me out every time. He even records my conversations at Silverlakes fields 5 years ago and remembers it like it was yesterday. What other avatars are you and lastman and probably kicker use? Be honest with the group too........ All mad at me for some reason. Now what could that be TM? Seriously, are you well?
Only exposing false hoods and miss truths.