DPL-Pilot Teams


Compare the graphic listing the participating clubs in the Pilot from the DPL website used in the article above (includes the Blues) with the graphic at:


which does not include the Blues.

Looks like Utah Royals replaced Blues.

Diane Scavuzzo of GoalNation is incorrect - receives information and immediately releases info before fully fact checking. Not the first time she's released bad info.
Diane Scavuzzo of GoalNation is incorrect - receives information and immediately releases info before fully fact checking. Not the first time she's released bad info.

In her defense that article is dated April 20th and Blues was on the list of teams on the DPL website at that time.
No one disputes that Blues was originally part of the 03 Pilot Program and then kicked out. The question is why? It cant be because of a lack of talent of the girls remaining on BH's Pilot team because they are being recruited by the other Pilot teams remaining in the program. This decision was not made with one iota of a thought for the girls and their families impacted by it. The decision appears to be motivated by animus towards BH/AR or the Blues. The decision to kick Blues out of the Pilot program after they were originally a part of it speaks volumes about the legitimacy of the DPL (who made the decision) and the Pilot Program itself.
Apparently he wasn't trolling.

Interesting that Surf is out. What exactly do they tell their ECNL teams? As a parent I would be pretty disappointed running my kid by ECNL tryouts...making the team...and then finding out...oh wait we are not doing ECNL, but see you in DPL.
Agreed. A much bigger impact on the players than BH's girls not playing in DPL-pilot. I would be furious too.
Apparently he wasn't trolling.

Interesting that Surf is out. What exactly do they tell their ECNL teams? As a parent I would be pretty disappointed running my kid by ECNL tryouts...making the team...and then finding out...oh wait we are not doing ECNL, but see you in DPL.
Hmmmm looks like I was correct AGAIN!!
Easy @Cream puff, you have 11 posts (at least 2 of which are bragging about your other posts). So far you've passed on some rumors that turned out to be (somewhat) correct. That's great. Keep it coming and you will earn your desired trust.
Your right I’m only going off rumors.. just trying to get some answers if it’s true... stop jumping down my throat!! This is a blog to raise questions and get answers to what is real or not.. and btw.. the surf rumor came from a Good source... BTW they are loosing ECNL... just the following year.
You yourself said they were just rumors and spreading crap does not help anyone without facts to back it up.
You yourself said they were just rumors and spreading crap does not help anyone without facts to back it up.Eye Roll... I had very good sources... and this is a blog to confirm rumors.. this is just confirmed- 2 weeks later ... I have more... but will not share until it’s fact. If that will make you happy.
I had very good sources... this is a blog to either confirm or dispel rumors. This is now confirmed.
I have more but will wait till it is fact.
This new season of soccer is ever changing.
I am very entertained by some of the team titles of those with dual teams - Eclipse has "solar" and "lunar" (very creative), Concorde fire has "platinum" and "premier" (should have been "charcoal" and " wood" in my opinion) and Michigan Hawks and Michigan Hawks Black (not so creative)
I had very good sources... this is a blog to either confirm or dispel rumors. This is now confirmed.
I have more but will wait till it is fact.
This new season of soccer is ever changing.
Was your source with ECNL or Surf since it appears that not even Surf knew this would happen?
No one disputes that Blues was originally part of the 03 Pilot Program and then kicked out. The question is why? It cant be because of a lack of talent of the girls remaining on BH's Pilot team because they are being recruited by the other Pilot teams remaining in the program. This decision was not made with one iota of a thought for the girls and their families impacted by it. The decision appears to be motivated by animus towards BH/AR or the Blues. The decision to kick Blues out of the Pilot program after they were originally a part of it speaks volumes about the legitimacy of the DPL (who made the decision) and the Pilot Program

I hope you realize your Club put you in this situation for 2-3 months stringing you and talented players along...
If your a “ALL IN” DA club you get pilot.
Blues was never getting pilot because of ECNL and Blues new it when they got kicked out and stung you along.
Sorry Mate you drink the cool aid!
No one disputes that Blues was originally part of the 03 Pilot Program and then kicked out. The question is why? It cant be because of a lack of talent of the girls remaining on BH's Pilot team because they are being recruited by the other Pilot teams remaining in the program. This decision was not made with one iota of a thought for the girls and their families impacted by it. The decision appears to be motivated by animus towards BH/AR or the Blues. The decision to kick Blues out of the Pilot program after they were originally a part of it speaks volumes about the legitimacy of the DPL (who made the decision) and the Pilot Program itself.
I hope you realize your Club put you in this situation for 2-3 months stringing you and talented players along...
If your a “ALL IN” DA club you get pilot.
Blues was never getting pilot because of ECNL and Blues new it when they got kicked out.
Sorry Mate you drink the cool aid!
Surf gambled and ECNL decided they didn't want half in clubs.

Blues are more if not all in ECNL and some clubs like the ones that run DPL don't like that thus keeping them out of pilot.

Slammers said the heck with all this and decided to focus on ECNL only for the next season.

In the end we have three different orgs fighting among themselves which really doesn't help, politics as usual takes over, more dilution happens, another league overshot (discovery) is created and now we have (5) different orgs all doing things there way differently without consistency or even a common way of training or playing, what a mess.
No one disputes that Blues was originally part of the 03 Pilot Program and then kicked out. The question is why? It cant be because of a lack of talent of the girls remaining on BH's Pilot team because they are being recruited by the other Pilot teams remaining in the program. This decision was not made with one iota of a thought for the girls and their families impacted by it. The decision appears to be motivated by animus towards BH/AR or the Blues. The decision to kick Blues out of the Pilot program after they were originally a part of it speaks volumes about the legitimacy of the DPL (who made the decision) and the Pilot Program itself.
In my opinion, every DA club should have the option to have a Pilot Team "IF" they are using it to roster the "majority" of their 03 current Da players. Isn't this the only "reason & purpose" for the creation of "03 Pilot"? If a Club uses it for any other reason they shouldn't be entitled to have a Pilot Team. Someone should have placed "boundaries" around Pilot and said something like "80% of the current 03 Da Team must be rostered on the Pilot Team", if not, there is no need for a Pilot Team on that particular club. Do we know for certain that every Pilot Team will have the majority 03 current Da players? If so great, Pilot will be competitive and successful and maybe other age groups will follow suit in the future if the dual ages continue in Da.