In my opinion, every DA club should have the option to have a Pilot Team "IF" they are using it to roster the "majority" of their 03 current Da players. Isn't this the only "reason & purpose" for the creation of "03 Pilot"? If a Club uses it for any other reason they shouldn't be entitled to have a Pilot Team. Someone should have placed "boundaries" around Pilot and said something like "80% of the current 03 Da Team must be rostered on the Pilot Team", if not, there is no need for a Pilot Team on that particular club. Do we know for certain that every Pilot Team will have the majority 03 current Da players? If so great, Pilot will be competitive and successful and maybe other age groups will follow suit in the future if the dual ages continue in Da.
The premise of your opinion is that the DPL serves a purpose for the DA and the Federation/DA Club should attempt to foster and ensure the competitiveness of the DPL. I can appreciate why a parent would think this, I can also appreciate why the DPL clubs/program would attempt to mislead parents into believing this ... (hint ... they want your $$$).
Please consider that the Federation has established a pyramid of player identification. The entire purpose of the DA to aid the federation in identifying the "unicorn" players (super-elite) and creating an environment where the super-elite and the elite players can play in a league. The super-elite (aka unicorns) are truly the only players the Federation really cares about. These girls are invited to the Youth National Camps and have D1 full-ride scholarship offers by their Freshman year. The other girls are necessary to support the clubs and league. The super-elite dominate their age group (U16) and are super-stars the age group ahead of them (U17) and can hold their own two ages up. These are the only girls/players the Federation has its eye on.
This is why the Federation has composite age groups. U16/U17, and U18/U19. It has absolutely no need to keep U16's that can't compete with U17's in the program. Composite groups allow the Federation to cull those kids from the program. The DPL is an affront to this and is tolerated by the Federation because on the girls side, there is no U13 or U12 level (yet).
Please also consider that for girls, virtually every player has gone through puberty and represents their genetic adult bodytype by 15 (U16). Boys are later. An 03 DPL team will be made up of girls that the Federation really has no interest in and no longer belong because if they did, they could easily win on spot on the composite 03/02 team.
Ultimately, the DPL is and never will be a DA program. Its simply "just another league" along with CSL, SCDSL, Presidio/SDDA, ECNL, NPL, National League, etc. However, because the DPL is "sold" as connected to the DA teams as the "farm system" its competitiveness is inconsequential. Placing boundaries around the DPL team would deviate from the DA's goals of culling players as they get older.
Accept the DPL for what it is ... just another league for the non-elite players and you will be much, much happier.