First this is about warning any parents that have had children at Albion Sc in the past 5 years to contact the club and get answers! They (Albion) knew about the accusations of prior inappropriate conduct this person was accused of and they still made the decision to hire him anyway! Albion even gave him free run of the girls college program to top it off! Albion allowed this pig to take groups of girls across country in a van to visit colleges on more than one occasion. Albion turned an blind eye to all warnings of this past for profit.
Albion needs to send out a club wide warning in case the predator got his hands on other children in the past 4-5 years of employment with Albion SC.
Your tenacity is admirable, but I would hesitate to place blame on Albion as a club - accusations are not convictions. There have been cases of meritless criminal charges. If this is all true, I'm sure we'll be hearing about it in the news shortly.