Do you think if a club has an issue of a coach having inappropriate relations with a child it...

First this is about warning any parents that have had children at Albion Sc in the past 5 years to contact the club and get answers! They (Albion) knew about the accusations of prior inappropriate conduct this person was accused of and they still made the decision to hire him anyway! Albion even gave him free run of the girls college program to top it off! Albion allowed this pig to take groups of girls across country in a van to visit colleges on more than one occasion. Albion turned an blind eye to all warnings of this past for profit.
Albion needs to send out a club wide warning in case the predator got his hands on other children in the past 4-5 years of employment with Albion SC.

Your tenacity is admirable, but I would hesitate to place blame on Albion as a club - accusations are not convictions. There have been cases of meritless criminal charges. If this is all true, I'm sure we'll be hearing about it in the news shortly.
Your tenacity is admirable, but I would hesitate to place blame on Albion as a club - accusations are not convictions. There have been cases of meritless criminal charges. If this is all true, I'm sure we'll be hearing about it in the news shortly.
And now there are two....Eagles and Albion. If VInce Thomas of Eagles ever does stand trial for his alleged physical relationship with a 14 year old player, we will finally know who knew what and when they knew it.
Well to be fair, any one of us can be accused of something they didn't do and have to appear in court to defend yourself.
Sounds about right coming from someone with a long history of protecting career alcoholics and adulterers. I mean hey you’ve got two coaches f*%^ing each other but at least your sidelines don’t reek of booze any more.
Well this is only the beginning of whats to come. Albion and its coaches will answer for their negligence in this matter, they have used and abused families for long enough and it is horrible it has come to this where a young child was abused by one of their directors. All of this could have been avoided if they had acted when they were warned of their employees shady past. Albion proved again they only care about one thing and that was this guy was bringing in lots outside players (little girls) and building their club= MONEY!

Alright your turn:
17 years ago a coach has an inappropriate relationship with a teenager, which resulted in him being let go. No records of criminal charges, no records of civil suits, no records of settlements. He was asked to leave and that was the most appropriate consequence for his actions. The ACLU would have had a field day had Albion knocked on everyone’s doors to tell them about this man’s past. If he had done something real he wouldn’t be allowed near parks.
That brings us to the current issue. We know the coach sent some texts that were deemed inappropriate. We don’t know how many texts, we don’t know how inappropriate they were. I’m going to go ahead and assume he will be let go. I sincerely doubt Albion has become this sinister cabal of predators in track suits and white vans luring in girls with promises of playtime. This is a sensitive issue and it’s being treated like a sensitive issue. We don’t need your DEEPALBION conspiracy drivel sh%*ing up the boards.
Alright your turn:
17 years ago a coach has an inappropriate relationship with a teenager, which resulted in him being let go. No records of criminal charges, no records of civil suits, no records of settlements. He was asked to leave and that was the most appropriate consequence for his actions. The ACLU would have had a field day had Albion knocked on everyone’s doors to tell them about this man’s past. If he had done something real he wouldn’t be allowed near parks.
That brings us to the current issue. We know the coach sent some texts that were deemed inappropriate. We don’t know how many texts, we don’t know how inappropriate they were. I’m going to go ahead and assume he will be let go. I sincerely doubt Albion has become this sinister cabal of predators in track suits and white vans luring in girls with promises of playtime. This is a sensitive issue and it’s being treated like a sensitive issue. We don’t need your DEEPALBION conspiracy drivel sh%*ing up the boards.

What we really don’t need is someone like you trying to smooth over the issue and give this guy the benefit of the doubt!
So far we know this.. he was accused of inappropriate relations with (I assume it was girl) an underaged girl about 17 years ago, then what we know next is he moved from the East Coast and got back in the same exact situation of coaching young girls at a club in East County by the name of United Soccer, then went and landed a job at Child Protective services for the county of San Diego, next we know he was put in charge of the women’s college placement at Albion and was allowed to drive a van around the US for overnight trips with groups of girls, we also know Albion was warned, asked and talked to about his “East Coast accusations” as he was employed by Albion Sc, and now within the past 60 days he was caught texting a young girl inappropriate messages, pictures or? Whatever is was Albion figured it was bad enough to fire him in the spot!
So with that info that we have so far you can make your mind up if you think he may have done more then “text” young girls in the 17 past years? It is pretty obvious that he has maneuvered his life to always be in direct contact with under age girls? I’m going to take wild guess and say he has went further than a simple text to only one girl! I’m also going to say he should be looked at again for whatever “accusations” he was tried for 17 years ago.
Just playing devil's advocate. It is possible that this has been reported to police and for some reason they or the DA or lawyers have asked the club to remain quite while the investigation proceeds. Hmmm....
What we really don’t need is someone like you trying to smooth over the issue and give this guy the benefit of the doubt!
So far we know this.. he was accused of inappropriate relations with (I assume it was girl) an underaged girl about 17 years ago, then what we know next is he moved from the East Coast and got back in the same exact situation of coaching young girls at a club in East County by the name of United Soccer, then went and landed a job at Child Protective services for the county of San Diego, next we know he was put in charge of the women’s college placement at Albion and was allowed to drive a van around the US for overnight trips with groups of girls, we also know Albion was warned, asked and talked to about his “East Coast accusations” as he was employed by Albion Sc, and now within the past 60 days he was caught texting a young girl inappropriate messages, pictures or? Whatever is was Albion figured it was bad enough to fire him in the spot!
So with that info that we have so far you can make your mind up if you think he may have done more then “text” young girls in the 17 past years? It is pretty obvious that he has maneuvered his life to always be in direct contact with under age girls? I’m going to take wild guess and say he has went further than a simple text to only one girl! I’m also going to say he should be looked at again for whatever “accusations” he was tried for 17 years ago.
It’s really cute that you think Willy Wonka must have such a photogenic donger that he could use it to try and bait these girls but based on who he is as a person I had concluded his winning personality would likely be a better bet than the heat he surely isn’t packing downstairs.
What do you think is more likely? That his piss-poor uncharming Hugh Grant routine is an act to cover up him diddling every last kid in the county? Or maybe, just maybe he has the emotional maturity to match his stature, and in his career of helping others he developed inappropriate feelings for someone he shouldn’t have and sent some texts he shouldn’t have. I am quite confident if he had tried anything at all any one of the girls could hold their own in that fight.
I’m not trying to gloss over this at all. Albion is handling the situation professionally and appropriately and I am sure legal consultation has been taken at every step as this has unfolded.

I can’t imagine what your homeowners association has to deal with if this is how you act on a discussion board for a team you’re not even a part of.


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What in particular creates this?
Too much access being given to girls by men who crave power and young female attention.
That’s where it starts.

I have repeatedly stated this and been repeatedly told that they want our young girl to text the coach herself. There should be a rule that they are not allowed to. In my sons sports he's not even allowed to initiate contact unless we are cc but yet in soccer this is something that is asked over and over again.
I have been appalled by some of the conversations I have overheard 03 girls having with coaches in the past- I don't find it cute or funny for grown men to talk to the girls about their dates or "going out" as some sort of way of bonding with them. I would think male coaches would understand the pitfalls but it appears many of them in fact do not and should be educated. One wrong move, or drama teen and you now have a full blown investigation that sullies your reputation. Not every accusation is a credible one- Duke Rape anyone?
Alright your turn:
17 years ago a coach has an inappropriate relationship with a teenager, which resulted in him being let go. No records of criminal charges, no records of civil suits, no records of settlements. He was asked to leave and that was the most appropriate consequence for his actions. The ACLU would have had a field day had Albion knocked on everyone’s doors to tell them about this man’s past. If he had done something real he wouldn’t be allowed near parks.
That brings us to the current issue. We know the coach sent some texts that were deemed inappropriate. We don’t know how many texts, we don’t know how inappropriate they were. I’m going to go ahead and assume he will be let go. I sincerely doubt Albion has become this sinister cabal of predators in track suits and white vans luring in girls with promises of playtime. This is a sensitive issue and it’s being treated like a sensitive issue. We don’t need your DEEPALBION conspiracy drivel sh%*ing up the boards.

"We know the coach sent some texts that were deemed inappropriate." Maybe you know, but that's the first I heard of it. What else do you know?
Good article. read it earlier. There is another article detailing girls reporting mental abuse since the 80's. Google Dominique Moceanu. She was blacklisted for over a decade for speaking out about the mental abuse she suffered. System that covered up issues. Articles talk about "vindication" but that doesnt help those kids who could have been saved from abuse.
Good article. read it earlier. There is another article detailing girls reporting mental abuse since the 80's. Google Dominique Moceanu. She was blacklisted for over a decade for speaking out about the mental abuse she suffered. System that covered up issues. Articles talk about "vindication" but that doesnt help those kids who could have been saved from abuse.
Vindication - when everyone else feels better about an atrocity and can forever after pretend it didn’t happen
Is it the system that covers up for guys that do this stuff? Just reading this thread, it sounds like the "system" you speak of isn't necessary, there are enough parents that will do that job. Just look at this Golden Fjord guy... He sounds like he is blowing the coach himself.
Is it the system that covers up for guys that do this stuff? Just reading this thread, it sounds like the "system" you speak of isn't necessary, there are enough parents that will do that job. Just look at this Golden Fjord guy... He sounds like he is blowing the coach himself.
Cute but I’ll pass. Soccer doesn’t really go with Watersports. Honestly though I wish we had a real scandal instead of some aspie being a creep.
Parents continue to allow grown men to treat their teenage and younger daughters in all sorts of questionable and innapropriate ways. Out of fear, discomfort, intimidation, or bullying by the coach and club. Speak up, ask questions, stop being afraid to question or challenge a coach or the club. These are our daughters and we are both the paying customer and the parents. Coaches are accountable to us not the other way around.
The sun has set on the Polo fields and the Biebs is back marking everything dumb! You go boy! So how did tryouts go today?