You all just don’t have a real clue what Surf is doing for “pool play” which it isn’t really true pool play. so it’s laughable all the conjecture and complaining. Every parent who signed up knows exactly what it means and how it’s implemented and exactly where their DD stands going into the season with zero promises and known possibilities that movement can happen and yet they have more signed up for their ECNL/ECRL squads this season and more showing up now each practice to be looked at. If your DD wants to play for Surf you bring her and she has to compete, period. If she’s good enough for ECNL squad then there is a spot. The ECRL teams are being strengthened through this as well and some who are moving on just know the path to ECNL squad may be harder now so seeking easier, smaller pastures to play and that’s fine. Good for competition all over. Most of this spitting in the wind about this are the typical Surf haters no matter the process or topic so I’m sure another rant on some other wrong thing will pop up soon. White noise.