The Outlaw *BANNED*
I was born by accident and all before 1972. Thank God I was protected by a loving adopted mother who told me I was her special blessing and that God wanted me to live for some crazy reason and she was picked to help me navigate this place. Lester makes it sound like Macdre chose his entry, his parents and the two strikes he woke up with before he came out of the womb. This is called, "look at both sides and make peace with the right and left or I will got to Montana and sit this one out. My gosh, share folks!!! Way too deep for the Either OR crowd on here. Conservative or Socialist? Can we meet in the middle guys? Stop being so Black & White, Rich or Poor and so on.
What are you babbling about, Spicoli? I suggested Dre chose his upbringing? How so? And what is this "God wanted me to live" nonsense? Apparently some human that gave birth or adopted you, or both, wanted you to live. If they didn't, you'd have died. God or no God.